Arcane Sniper - Vol. 1 Ch. 13

Dec 5, 2020
okay cooking is an important mindset when going to woods and why do i feel like that musket is a stronger weapon than a 50 cal jesus christ
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
The strong musket prob cuz stat shenanigans and he is kinda already an ex-marksman before that anyways...
Active member
Jun 4, 2019
Oooh, that sounds useful!

Also, I'm getting similar feelings to the NPCs in Overgeared. Sometimes this feels like this is a parallel world, not a gameworld.
And I'm curious who got the sniper's achievement first. If Halleha checked the hall of fame, would he see the username? Hmm... And... I wonder who else picked musketeer 🤔
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 8, 2019
So I'm guessing Stat boosts from him dumping all his points in a previous chapter to Dex. Plus "balance" as magic hits the surface (skin, hide, fur, feathers) first but bullets dump energy into single spot but travel at a higher speed than arrows so bone breaking along with penetration.

So I'm thinking Arrows penetrate with low initial damage but do damage over time with bleeding.
Magic is surface level dmg with low penetration so it does DoT with burn, freeze, shock etc but can be countered or "toughed out"
Bullets will impact and depending on surface will either penetrate and do damage along the path of the bullet with hydrostatic shock or will get deflected after dumping energy into the target without penetration.

Then since this is a game world and there are two distinct critical hits "Insta Kill" and "Crit Kill" I'm going to guess that which kill is determined by hit boxes and DMG percentage. Something like if someone used a sword and hit your arm for 40% dmg your arm is sliced but moveable, 60% and your arm is broken and hanging by a thread and at 100+% it's gone in a spray of blood. HaHeHeylo is able to do +100% in vital areas to get insta kills. Like you can cast a 1 hit kill spell or rip a tree out of the ground one handed but good luck casting if your lungs are filling with blood or controlling anything below the neck if the central nervous system is missing a chunk the size of a musket ball. So in that example the lungs filling with blood would equal a critical kill and the central nervous system hit would equal a insta kill.


In the case of a eagle or a bird they tend to have a thick breast plate bone but if it's broken even by something small everything behind the impact hole is as good as pudding.

Could be wrong though.

Edit* now we're at the cooking portioned of the story will a Korean story go the Japanese route of superior rice folded a thousand times in soy sauce = greatest culinary discovery ever! or go a different route?
Mar 6, 2020
Finally he is alone.. i hate when other pg question mc about is doing... Get the fuck away and let him play!
Dex-chan lover
Aug 19, 2019
im guessing the mechanic at works here is that his weapon damage (a whopping 200+ per shot and im pretty sure bullet damage exist cuz its a super realistic game) + stat scaling + critical + weakness scaling is what enable him to one shot bosses like that.

i've no idea how stat scaling works but crits in game is usually 2x damage and weakness can range between 1.5-2 depending on the severity of weakness (head shot, body shot etc like in MH)

so if his shot is doing 233 (iirc) base damage + say 20 bullet damage + 112 dex(reaching here and give it 2 weapon damage per 1 dex) that's 500 ish damage x2 to be 1000 damage for a crit and x2 again for a head shot and that's already 2000 damage before armor reduction. And from the weapon damage that other range weapon give that we know at the start, the highest being the cross bow at 30-60, we can see that's a shitton of damage.

and im probably messing up some calculation or missing any other damage multiplier too.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 8, 2020
If the game is realistic, wouldn't just shooting the head or the heart oneshot everything?
Probably was the case for this time lol
Dec 13, 2020
First of all, that boss 'battle ' if you could even call it one, was very anticlimactic. But I actually loved the fact that he one-shot that eagle and the reactions and rewards that he got were quite satisfying. Also, Ooru Maito, is that you? 😂😂😂

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