Not really the main reason though. His main reason for that reward is future preping. He can make any object he needs, and money is not an issue since he can literally make it himself if needed. What he needs is backers and people in high places giving him indebted support. With his status, he knows one day he will become the target for the current world's religion, as an enemy that is. So having importain people indebted to him means he still has somewhere to go if he needs help (like a safehouse for anyone who cant protect themselves like he can, who he wants to keep safe), supplies, but most importantly, information. He needs that reliable source for world affairs and news which could cause him trouble.
So getting people now, while he is still accepted, to owe him unpaid favors, especially nobles and other people with unquestionable authority, is the best reward he can recieve at the moment.
Basically, would you rather have 1000 gold, where anything you could possibly buy anywhere in the enture world, would never be able to outshine your current equipment, where food and medical supplies are not an issue (remember that if he is hungry, he can simply eat any monster and is the only human who can as well as Yue having complete auto-regeneration), and transportation is covered entriely by your own creations?
Or would you want a big shot guildmaster and a noble family in your back pocket for when (and it is definitely a when, not an if), shit hits the fan and simply killing the enemy is not going to work? Clearly option 2 is the best.