Asako - Vol. 5 Ch. 20

Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
I love how the chapter has her hating her past self.

As a kid, she didn't think it was a big deal her little brother was out in a storm, thinking he's with an adult and he'd be fine.

As an adult, she realizes how stupid so many of her thoughts were and actually hates herself for a lot of her stupid immaturity....
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 5, 2020
if there was ever a manga that was quite literally dragging plot points...its right here. Barely anything happened for the past few chapters, does this actually progress?

I'm surprised the publisher didn't axe this, considering I know so many other series' that have been axed with a faster and/or more sophisticated plot.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 16, 2023
Completely agree with your notes, Asako's sleeping face is too precious.

What interests me is the retrospective narrative we're getting from Sayaka. I'm just sort of talking off the cuff here but between her present-day self and Miki's it feels like Sensei's gearing up to go all in on the coming of age narratives. Well, moreso than usual; there's a certain throughline in the story about the dangers presented in failing to value childhood/the simultaneous allure and threat of becoming an adult as quickly as one can gets underlined between how Sayaka cringes at her old self and Miki's arrested development (also there's a real argument to be made about the appropriateness of the relationships Miki was having in reveling in how mature she felt she was that felt really blatant to me as someone who was a preteen girl once) that I find really cool as we watch Masa in particular come to terms with everything, but I'm just kind of saying things at this point. Maybe once we're done I'll try gathering me thoughts into a proper post or something

More importantly, thanks for the chapter as always!

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