@yuu-oniichan : There are three states the toilet can be in:
#1. Seat up.
#2. Seat down, lid up.
#3. Lid down.
If anyone, female or otherwise, gets so utterly used to it being in state 2 that they'd just waltz into the bathroom and sit without looking... odds are their bathroom utterly stinks from leaving the toilet open.
I've contemplated supergluing the lid to the seat on quite a few occasions in quite a few places because women kept leaving the lid up.
@gaba157 : ... You phrased that as though you're a guy who sits to piss... but how does that even work without having to fold it inward awkwardly? ... I mean unless you have an exceptionally small rod.... or an exceptionally large toilet...
@Wedhus_gembel : Unless it was supposed to be some sort of double-entendre... I'm pretty sure that was the handle cover for her shinai. No idea why she brought it into the bathroom with her though.