Asmodeus wa Akiramenai - Ch. 28 - An Owner's Qualifications

Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Nor am I, but it definitely is one I've noticed. But that goes both ways. Hearing mindless praise for garbage irritates me just as much if not more. Anyways, if you use MAL I'm almost certain you've come across a particular reviewer who's name starts with K and writes nearly nothing but bullshit reviews. Guy irritates the hell out of me, or at least he would if I had any respect for his opinion or ratings. People need to get better at drawing the distinction between trolls, negative opinions and haters, and more importantly how to react to them.

That one is often confused with me, who simply has a lot more negative or critical opinions than most. You read for two decades and start to actually have standards and notice flaws. Who would have though. I don't like disliking stuff, I'm just more prone to comment on something that irritates me than I am on something that I like. A lot of the comments here fail to realize there are a lot of people who dislike the shit they're praising and actually like to see other people who agree with them and think and express something is bad, they just don't comment because they feel (know) they'll rile up some fanbois and have to deal with some bs. You notice such comments actually appear when there is a lot of people hating on something.

Anyways, thanks. Shame more people aren't like you. A refreshing change for once.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2019
@Yautja Aww thanks!

Confession time though, It took me this long to remember that Yuatja is the term for the predator race, even with your avatar being just that.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
No problem. And I don't blame you, maybe like 4 people in like half a decade have ever noticed or mentioned that. Maybe I'm off about yours, but I'm thinking Greek / Roman mythology, a boy with wings and a man of Troy. It'd be a hell of a coincidence for those two famous names to be conjoined otherwise, so I'm fairly confident about that one.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
@Yautja I was not implying that the ring doesn't hurt him because he's nice or pure of heart or whatever. Merely that so far everyone before him that we have heard of has used the ring selfishly or evilly. The curse probably has some sort of karmic effect where the evils you put out with the ring are returned to you threefold. Such curses are common in mythology. I am implying that the ring doesn't hurt him simply cause... it can't. He 1) Doesn't seem to have the magic to really do anything of significance with the ring or the demons tied to it (a blessing in disguise if my theory is correct). and 2) He doesn't really want the responsibility of the ring in the first place.

Now it is highly likely his opinion on owning the ring will change after having it taken and by who it was taken, but i doubt his method of using it will change. If the curse is a karmic one, then it makes sense that it doesn't harm him, simply cause it really can't due to his actions accruing no negative karma with which to strike him down with.

Meanwhile the ringbearer asshat has already attempted murder twice and who knows what else in order to even obtain the ring, so the immediate backlash is less surprising with him.
Active member
Nov 20, 2018
Dantalion: if your master doesn’t give back the ring he’ll die from the death curse
Eligos: lol no let’s fight so he keeps the ring cuz I love him very much
Eligos’s master: *Die’s from the curse* (probably idk but I hope he dies)
Eligos: *Clown music*
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Yea, but that it is what it boils down to, even in your current description, regardless of intent.

Regardless, the execution is what will determine things, and so far, the execution has been pretty mediocre so I'm not going to make assumptions in favor of this manga.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
@Yautja I mean sure. I just wanted to be clear as to what I believe the plot will be. Execution is key and this is pretty much middle of the road in terms of manga that I have read. It's by no means the worst I have read, not even the worst with this kind of plot set up, but I do agree that it's lacking something significant to take it from mediocre to good.

That being said I don't believe it deserves a lot of hatred for being middle of the road, not that I don't think it should strive to rise above that mind you. I happen to like the character designs, and the idea behind it is solid if not entirely unique. The overall story thus far has been cutesy but overall harmless, but if they are gonna throw a stabbing and near death of the main character in there then I agree that they should dang well up their game in terms of writing. And who knows, they could improve going forward. Overall though I am ok with this being the palate cleanser it is. Not super offensive but not super interesting either. Though you won't hear me complaining if it gets better... though if it get's worse then like you I will be reading it and posting critiques of a bad story.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Pretty much where I sit, though I'm not generous enough to think this will ever be good. Frankly, I think mediocre is pretty generous. As this stands, it has nothing special about it and nothing has been done notably well. If it was going to get better, it probably would have.

The harem is box standard, the characters aren't really special, unique or well done in both personalities or design, IMO. Tohru, from Kobayashi is pretty much Asmodeus but better, maid style girl with horns, tail, kinda stupid, etc. Loli sister who bullies brother is as old as time. Haganai comes to mind and even has the maid gimmick. Hell, even the Solomon gimmick has been done before and because of that I think mediocre is too kind. Magika no Kenshi, and maybe a few others have the Solomon aspect. People can only write the same thing or take the same generics over and over before it becomes bad. Sort of like how in some games, if you input two averages you get a shit output; Minecraft for example, breed two normal horses and you're likely to get a slow one.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
Never played minecraft but I understand what you are talking about. And honestly anyone who has ever done a deep dive or two on tv tropes will know that almost nothing is ever truly new when it comes to storycraft. As an author, and I am speaking from personal experience here, it is frustrating to come up with ideas you think are unique only to find out someone else had done them before you and better. That may be why although I am still critical of stories I give them more leeway than you seem to be able to. It's not a matter of being generous enough to think it will be good, but rather me having hope that they can overcome the hurdles before them. Yes the Solomon aspect has been done before, in more than just manga and anime but let's just leave the talk in this medium for now, but this is a unique story that I myself have not encountered personally before. The idea of a ringbearer actually setting the demons bound to solomons contract free is new to me, and thus I find it refreshing even if it is told in a rather mediocre fashion.

Again this is all just my opinion, and you are free to disagree with me in regards to any or all of it. But I like this manga despite its mediocrity, and in fact find it pleasant enough to not be distasteful. I can think of plenty of other manga that are way worse than this in both story, tone, and character development. With such an oversaturated market hitting the middle ground, even just the bottom of the middle ground, is an achievement of it's own.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
To be worse than this, it has to be more than just lazy and trope filled, and that is not common. Nor is manga climbing out of the whole this one finds itself in. Regardless, this is definitely in the bottom 1/3. I just can't bring myself to like something I've seen a million times, often done better. It seems we've reached a natural conclusion. This seems to mostly be down to cynicism vs optimism.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
Indeed. See you in the comments of the other couple dozen manga we also read? I've noticed you in a lot of the comments sections of manga I read. Also holy shit how did i not notice the predator reference til JUST NOW. You a fan of that franchise too? The comics i mean not the movies.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Still have a few left on a bookshelf somewhere. Can't blame you. Not many do notice.

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