Yeah not to mention, with a case as severe as hers, I'm not sure there is any treatment that could really do much. Yeah, therapy might be able to help her cope a little better with some things, but unfortunately what she really needs is people to understand her quirks and not take them personally. That's why it works with Yokoi, he's patient with her (and extremely more patient than the average person would ever be).
As someone with FAR less profound symptoms as her, I appreciate her struggle to enter the job world, bc she's never going to be a "profitable" employee. She has a lot of limitations that most employers wouldn't even humor. I struggle to find a good fit in employment, and I'm someone who is very good at masking and have very few limitations at all. In terms of cut throat capitalism, Saitou is frankly a charity case. She's only ever going to have a stable long term job if she happens to find an employer thats willing to work with her quirks rather than try to "fix" them.