This will either shock her into the present, or cause a minor meltdown.
I know first hand.
Autism suuuucks.
EDIT: and anyone who says it’s not a disability is full of it. It makes things in basic life harder, and you can’t do anything about aside cope.
That’s a disability. “If the whole world was more accommodating…” no car alarms or horns? They paralyse me like I’m suddenly a statue of someone wincing. No people with loud voices? Yknow, like some people with autism, including myself?
Sorry. Off my soapbox about the far left doing its job of making a gigantic mess trying to destroy the establishment. It’s what it’s supposed to do. Then centre left comes and cleans up and upgrade the mess and centrists maintain it, and the right doesn’t want it fixed when it wears out and the far right thinks it was better when it was worn out in the first place. It’s how things have always worked.