I feel like I have been betrayed.
Edit: for those who like me were feeling like that:
Warning: Spoilers
She does have conciousness and possess emotions, and was actually the first robot to do so. Her original master was Natsuki's mother. Atri was actually high performance and had a brain close to a biologic one, but like other robots she had no emotions. She gained conciousness after watching her master being bullied by her classmates almost on a daily basis. One day Atri, very angered (probably her first actual emotion), assaulted the classmates, breaking the law of "robots must not harm humans". This led to the recall of Atri model's, but she broke free and escaped. So althought she still logs like that, she doesn't follow the robot rules nor she aways pursue the path with the best outcome. Like humans she acts out of her own will and make mistakes.