Avalon~bitter~ (Anthology) - Ch. 3 - Please (Sudou Yumi)

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 23, 2018
I've been seeing more and more manga with a dead protagonist so the last twist didn't really surprise me but it was still well executed and a good read. I'm not really into Yuri/shoujo ai but they often show something that is different from your "usual" manga and I love one-shots.
Mar 24, 2018
but they often show something that is different from your "usual" manga
Care to elaborate how so? I've read a ton and most of them are either basically wish fulfillment gender appropriated shoujos, narcissistic ego trip dramas, or fluffy cotton candy nothings reciped specifically for mood elevation.

...so they don't really differ that much from other things that are out there.
Oct 26, 2018
Care to elaborate how so? I've read a ton and most of them are either basically wish fulfillment gender appropriated shoujos, narcissistic ego trip dramas, or fluffy cotton candy nothings for mood elevation.
You just described most romance manga. Or maybe just manga in general.
However, there are indeed a few elements more prevalent in yuri than in your "usual" romance manga, like the "forbidden love" aspect (no pun intended) for example. Maybe I'm not the best one to explain it, but some people don't like how "love" or "falling in love" are portrayed as something to be taken for granted in manga. Loving someone who society doesn't really approve of adds another layer of complication to the romance, and if an author wants to do even a semi realistic yuri he/she would more likely than not needs to touch this at some point. Those I mention earlier could be drawn by this element, while some would be turned away by it.
At the end of the day, a story is defined by its author and not by its genre, but if you ask me if yuri is different from normal romance, then yes it is. Doesn't mean it's better, it's just that it has characteristics that catered more to a certain kind of audience.

This oneshot definitely perks my interest for this anthology. More than the yuri (which doesn't end up anywhere anyway), the way it portrays
purgatory is just like how I imagine it to be, an eternal loop of your death and your biggest regret. I guess that MC will only be able to escape the loop once Hiro stops shedding tear for her, as the way I view it Hiro's tear is what waking her up in every loop. It also links up to certain belief about how you can only truly move on when you have no more connection/nothing left holding you back in the mortal realm.
The transition in the ending was a nice bonus too.
Double-page supporter
May 14, 2019
I'm in awe of the way this has been presented. Chiharu's predicament as a trapped soul, her recurring loop of forgetting and remembering book-ending the jumble of memories and dreams she has to go through repeatedly, is conveyed frighteningly well. Bathtubs in fiction are scary, maaaan.
Apr 28, 2020
human hearts are unpredictable and there is only one thing that everyone knows, karma and hind-sight are a bitch.
one will always find to regret something.
Active member
May 15, 2019
This is really good , I could imagine how hard it must be when you barely see your loved one except through magazines and tv commercials , left alone to your thoughts driving to anxiously insomnia.

I knew she was dead but the whole loophole and what lead to her death really made it for me
Double-page supporter
Oct 11, 2020
Her girlfriend is a bitch. While she might have not expected her to die, she didn’t even consider contacting her and even made it seem like she didn’t find her important anymore. What the fuck?! Her girl died because of her own selfishness!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
Wow... and her girlfriend didn't even contact her or anything?

Did she even know that the girl had problems? That she was an insomniac, and that was probably what led her to her death?

That's actually sad...
Dex-chan lover
Aug 11, 2020
Hiro was a a jerk not contacting her and neither telling her se was back in town, but let's not assign all the blame to her. Both parties can try to call, but we aren't neither shown or told that Chiharu tryed to call Hiro herself. We don't even know how much time passed from the no call period start
Hiro probably didn't know that Chiharu was insomniac and was taking sleeping drugs, that were probably the cause of death by drowning.

If there is one to blame for her death I feel is the doctor providing the drugs, that could not have explained the risks of taking baths after taking the dose, or the mother that could forgot to convey the info if the doctor said it to her. Many medicine doesn't actually say in their readme what are risky behaviours. Some do have an average effectiveness time (for how long the medicine have effect after taking).
A bit of commentary on real life. I honestly was curious how you can drown in the bathub and if it was actually common:
Falling asleep (and not fainting) in a bathub generally doesn't result in drowning even if your head went submerged. The reflexes would wake us up, and would prevent us from breathing water until the reserve of the lungs is depleted. Some drugs increase drowsiness and reduce these relfexes (either as a side effect (that can not happen always) or as a primary effect, as most sleeping drugs) causing either breathing water or removing the lung spasms. These effects aren't only limite dto drowning, I remember when I was having trouble sleeping, and was taking a pill. I recall how many times I woke up with my bladder basically ready to explode when I generally woke up way before it can to that point. Once I didn't woke up at all.
Alchol (intoxication or not) can also increase these risks a lot. Avoid taking baths in these conditions , unless you have someone that can act a supervisor, prefer waiting for the effect time of the drug to pass (some have it on the manual, most common use medicines have the effect time generally available on reputable sites) or better a bit more (being the average time, the can be people were the effec ttime is increased), and still avoid if you are still drowsy.

Risks are modified on how the bath is made. From what I understand Japan common bathubs are deeper then overall western bathubs. This is suspected (togheter with a lower median height of the populace) to the be one of the main factor of the astounding percentage of bathubs related death in Japan (60% of all yearly deaths ) related to other countries (the next position is occupied by USA and Canada with an 11%). Possibly becouse there need more events to have the head submerged when the bathub is more shallow. Anti slippery base also can help reducing a lot the risks.
These measeures can also improve in some cases of fainting (due to change in blood pressure, hypertermia due to too hot water(for too much time), too much time itself, or cardiac arrythmias (self terminating or even atrial non self terminating ones, in this cases the fainting is caused by sudden change in beats and blood pressure that the body start to compensate soon in most cases )). Not much for strokes or hearth attacks (just hope you have time to call someone and that there is someone at home and in hearing range, fainting or death are not immediate in most cases) or sudden cardiac death. You don't have the time to drown here. The proability of these events can be increased by prolonged bath times (health professionals recommend 15 max 30 minutes, if healthy ) and high temperature (most guidelines recommend max 39C degrees, some professinonals says maximum 40C as peak if it's not continuos (so if temperature decrease with time, no new addition of newly hot water))

Hot baths can increase the possibility of orthostatic fainting or dizziness (orthostatic means changes when standing up) and their severity if you are already esperiencing them (form example standing from a bad or a chair, often when done too fast). Less hot water and less bath time can reduce the risks, also avoid standing too fast, make slow movements if you can. The risk here is being injured (for example on the head) and that you can end with your face underwater (heads or spinal injuries can increase the drowning risks). Same risks for seizures where the loss of consciousness already have a risk of drowning but the jerking movements have an high posisbility to make injuries. Also muscolar movements (unless the seizures are atonic) can help in certain case to push the face underwater, increasing possibility of drowning even with antislippery bases and shallower baths.

Also most of the deaths in Japan (about 80%) are from people of age 60+. Causes weren't scored, but I suspect that this is becouse this is the it start the age range were people have more probability of having new onset cardiac related or blood pressure related illnesses or start using drugs for other new onset ilnesses.

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