bing bong bingo
knew Ayaka wouldn't be able to shift her feelings onto someone else, even if that's her bestie Risa. For Risa, she pretty much strong armed her way into a relationship with Ayaka--- so Risa got what she wanted, which was a chance with Ayaka. For that, I don't really feel bad for her. She chanced on a moment of weakness from Ayaka and she received Ayaka's response in full after the attempted kiss.
obviously I do think Ayaka should've took the time to think it over and she prob would've settled on eventually saying no to Risa, but I think both she and Risa were at fault, so I think there's really not one person to blame. I do think it'll probably be a little awk with Risa for a long while, but Ayaka is now able to realize that she truly only loves Hiroko.
now it's up to Hiroko to pull up her big girl pants and work through her fears. she's a coward, but she thinks it's out of consideration for Ayaka, when in fact, her lack of initiative and her hesitation is truly inconsiderate of Ayaka's feelings.
i personally like this work a lot! knowing that this will be a happy ending makes me weather the miscommunication well. i'm a little frustrated with Hiroko, but I know she'll pull through.