My fucking god she's so fuuucking annoying, WHYYY YOU FUCKING BUTT IN YOU FUCKING BITCH. Just let him do what he have to ffs. WHY JAPAN?, no, WHY ASIA? WHY YOU CREATE ANNOYING AF characters like that in good stories, for example in "The Great Mage Returns After 4000 Years" that redhead bitch or in "MookHyang – Dark Lady" that spoiled bitch. Really why would you do that, the story would be good without them, in this one maybe she's really important in the story, but give her a brain at least please, she didn't listen to our MC in first chapter because something was cute (even though she knew who MC was and that ayakashis are bad) and now WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE DOING? I DUNNO, SHE JUST STOPS MC FROM KILLING THAT AYAKASHI AND SAYS SOME BULLSHIT THAT SHE WILL FIX WHAT SHE DID, wow what a mature behaviour, but comparing her knowledge to that of MC she knows nothing so just let the MC do his thing and protect you ffs. Seriously the only story that didn't had any annoying characters and was good (imo) is Solo Leveling for now. Yes yes I'm taking it too seriously even though it's some kind of comedy thing but like really really why, even pussy-like MC in To LOVE-ru was better than this "childhood friend"