Translator firechikara here (under another pseudo on MangaDex).
It is as
@Zeedoe said, I'm in the middle of moving away so if the artist makes another 4koma, that'll have to wait until I have moved my computer and my internet connection. At least I've done what's available right now.
But to complete some more, there's some other reasons.
I don't always go to Danbooru (where I can do freely translations as a pastime without any kind of restrictions) to check if new pages are up, so sometimes someone else might step up and translate them. Like, I'm not the appointed translator for this series, I just happen to do some because it's cute and most of the time easy to translate.
And because I'm having a rough situation with my job due to the current situation with the pandemic, I just wanna chill and think of something else.
Also two weeks from now, I'm going to have a surgery for my eyes and I have to stay away from screens for I don't know how long.