@Claith In this scenario, it literally means news that is fake, made of lies. There were news reports published in chapter 9 page 7 containing false allegations against the church. Sorry if my translations didn't come through. I understand the word "fake news" is used by tyrants often in real life to refer to news that goes against their interests; however, this is not the case here and I hope I could clear this up. I used the term because the raw uses "フェイクニュース" which literally reads as "fake news." Sorry for the misunderstanding, I'll try and do better next time.
Also, I understand some people are confused by the story. If you have questions, ask in the discord.
By not using the "okay" hand sign to mean "okay," you are legitimizing extremists "taking" it over and repurposing it. It only has that meaning if that's how you interpret it because that's how language works. If you and I continue using the "okay" sign to mean "okay," then it continues to have that meaning.