Battle in 5 Seconds After Meeting - Vol. 5 Ch. 41 - Kiryuu Asuka

Dec 26, 2018
man if any smart person used this you could make a literal black hole or atleast give it the weight of one what would kill anyone instantly-
Jan 18, 2018
Green team's friendship is their strength... and their weakness.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2018
Heavy doesn't mean unbreakable. Between Oogami's superstrength and the blade unable to handle it's own density, breaking it was the smartest move.

Since it turned back into a stick, I assume that the moment the blade "stops being a blade", the weight disappears. In that case, it's actually a fairly weak power. She's screwed for anything above a certain weight class.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
Lmao was there a specific rule that I forgot about that indicates that the given leaders were kings by default, or decided and agreed upon before the skirmish? I could have sworn the comments said otherwise, but the characters are so assured I'm beginning to question what I was reading (or skimming, really).
Active member
Feb 1, 2018
@Lithe Each leader was chosen by their team, but as far as we know, it can be anyone from that team. Green leader is just stupid, once again.

Which was actually what I wanted to comment on in the first place: I really hate how mediocre and bad writers are so frequently unable to represent kindness and/or a compassionate mind as anything other that sheer stupidity. Are we supposed to feel the anguish of a kind man in those pages? I only see a really bad leader and I'm wondering how a group led by such a man could ever have survived this long.
Dec 26, 2018
@cryum why did she not make a sword that just crushes him there is no braking anything if you can't even get up make it like 100 thousand tons that would have crushed him no human body can withstand such weight
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
I think like the other character who can transform his sticks into swords, that the type of sword is already predetermined.
It's just a matter of being able to have a special attribute onto the blade. As for that I think what we're supposed to assume is that she can't change the weight from 0 to over 1000 lbs instantaneously.
More than likely the weight shifts at a specific speed, which is why when she changed the weight it started becoming heavier and forced Oogami into the ground - shattering his surroundings. Because I'm sure that Asuka TRIED to crush him - why wouldn't you make it the heaviest possible when he's holding the blade at an angle to lose an arm. It's also possible that there is a limit to the maximum weight and that Oogami was simply stronger than that due to his own ability.

I mean you have to think, every other ability has had some sort of 'weakness' to ensure it's not completely broken.

I agree. We were told at the start of the arc that the leader was around Akira's level of intelligence. He baited out Akira using his cannon to confirm his ability and then also baited Akira to actually shoot him. He then kept tabs on Akira the entire time to ensure that he wasn't a spy in some way. Even the last arc with the ghouls he wasn't completely stupid with how he reacted. But now it's like he's leaving all the planning to Akira and did next to no planning for this battle. Maybe he has some secret plan up his sleeve but it should be painfully obvious that there's something fishy going on.

It never said the Leaders were selected as Kings. At the start of this fight the Green Team Leader seemed to 'select' being King. It's also possible that even the Green Team didn't select Sensei as the Leader. It would make sense since we didn't actually see him select it. The shot seemed weird - the Archer dude said "Sensei!" in a strange sort of way, like that they chose someone else. Who knows. It would make sense if both teams didn't select obvious Kings.
Dec 26, 2018
@shoker well the abilitys should be worded a bit better. A other question is what is the weakness of a fucking canon. No that we are on the topic of badly worded abilitys why has the mc not tried to make his ablity like "teleport everyone back home". I guess the organization would intervine but still it's worth a try.

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