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Time for my usual Chapter review
I wonder when the Police added the gates, did BAM members just go along with it? And what about late comers?
Yahya does have a point about not understanding feeling/bonds, but then question arises of how he can work so long in the first place?
Nose scratch is very light so no scar
The 1v1 and order doesn’t make sense. Not to mention the way the gangs work together seems off, since excluding Legoshi, the gangs have 3 other enemies.
Also, Paru doesn’t do long fighting arc, so it won’t be 5 chapters of fighting 1 gang to next. Paru is known for plot twist.
INB4 throwing the tooth off the roof hit someone in the eye.
How did the Dokumi jump so high? Then again,, you have Legoshi scaling the Shishigumi hideout
Legoshi taking out his denture, it more of him telling to go out per ch 170. By having a restriction, such as muzzler or removing strength, it actually make him focus more. Even if not to hurt, it just mental powers to go out more.
On Legoshi growing teeth, Legoshi forced his body to undergo instinct growth more than Leano. Paru notes that Legoshi grew after Shishigumi invasion due to the battle stimulation. Same case here, Legoshi fighting the gangs her triggered his body to change
While Legoshi did regrow his teeth, I do not believe he will grow venom glands. Legoshi has told his body not to kill, which Venom tubes will counter that. Legoshi’s body already grows towards his will due to the more arm strength.
The difference between Leano and Legoshi is Legoshi triggered his genes more going into life and death situations. Gene's usually active based on the body's needs. So Leano was random due to no need. Legoshi has a need. Legoshi grew after Shishigumi invasion afteral.