Lolicon, huh. Not sure if this would count as being a lolicon since they're of different races and I doubt the concept of lolis even exists in a weird world like that. It's simply a matter about different stature of races. After all, anyone would look like a loli to the big breeds even if they don't look like one to people of other races, right? Even with more human-like species like gnomes or dwarves that are always short with no breasts, I kind of feel like it's weird to call them lolis. Only a race where something else than being short statured is possible can have lolis, not that it would matter to other humans since they're going to judge based on their own race's standards. Still, I don't feel like it carries the same bad connotation if you, say, marry an adult of a race that never gets "big". Only when it comes to a race where they're supposed to be big after growing up does it seem wrong.
Not that I feel like it's wrong anyway because I'm a splendid 2d lolicon. 2d lolis are great, especially the best ones which are legal lolis, the very best, the cream of the crop if you will, are the old monster lolis, several dozen or hundreds or thousands of years old lolis, like dragon lolis or just long-lived kemonomimi lolis. Even elves are nice. Yup. Just another fetish as long as you don't bring it into the real world, in which case it becomes pedophilia instead and is a completely different deal which should be looked down upon by any morally upstanding human being. But as long as you keep it 2d, it's not worse than whatever other fetish out there

I couldn't care less if people don't agree with me though. It's a fact and their disagreement due to misinformation, unwillingness to understand the difference between fantasy and reality or skewed morals aren't going to change that even if they scream bloody murder like usual. Aaah, it's so tiring to see people like that.