Been looking this since 2016...

Sep 24, 2020
Ok this was korean webtoon

This has been haunting me because i want to read it and regret dropping it and did'nt bookmark it

Story :

There is homeless man sitting near school entrance. The parents of the students has been complaining thinking he was dangerous and it will be bad influence on the students. The school can't do anything about it because he was sitting 100 meter away from the school area and it was outside school property , even the police can't do anything because he was sitting in public area.

The school then installed a security camera to monitor the man. MC was a students on the school( i forgot is he middle or high school student), he is walking with a female friend( i think she was a childhood friend). The homeless man has been scaring the student with his glare, but he never touch them, but when he see the mc female friend. He begin act different, he was laughing and try to touch her, but mc block him away and glare him back. The homeless man then backed away with angry look and sit again in his resting area.

After school, his female friend has been going home earlier. MC feels something is wrong and begin looking for her. He saw the homeless man entered an abandoned building, but he decided to ignore it and try to look for his female friend. Then at night, mc see there is ambulance and many people gathered, he go there and realized it is the abandoned building he just saw before. The medic then escorted a girl, the crowd begin gossiping and say she was raped and murdered and it was mc female friend.

After that mc begin regreting why he did'nt check the homeless man when he entered the building, mc become angry and want revenge , that's the end of chapter 1.

Btw the homeless man seems around 40-50 years old, it seems he know the girl, i think she was his daughter or relative, or maybe i was wrong, because i remember when reading it, the girls have a shocked face when she see him.

I read it on mangapark at 2014, been looking it on webtoon tag at mangapark , browsing over 50 pages worth, and did'nt find it. realized some webtoon did'nt even tag properly on mangapark so i think the one i looking for did'nt get tagged for webtoon and tragedy tag.

Trying to ask reddit manga and reddit webtoon, someone tell me they remember reading it but the guy say he can't remember the title.

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