@Mystery0000 yes because dog whistles are designed so dogs hear them. This manga is designed to shit on chinese people so obviously they would feel like they're being shit on. Tautologies don't really help your point.
I think any kind of manga should be available to sell and buy but to put it in perspective for you, imagine an american serialized comic about white action heroes in a modern, based in reality, 2021 setting murdering black people and calling them n*ggers and it glorifying taking some land that they dispute over or whatever.
Even if you're a midbrain you should understand how there's a difference between that and something like the stereotypical overdramatized russian villain in a bond movie or soldiers calling enemies by slurs in a WWII movie.
If you have high IQ you can read the author's intent loud and clear, and it's not subtle at all. (old, old Japanese dude btw) Which is completely fine, except from what I've read so far it feels equivalent to self-inserting power fantasy a la isekai harem "suddenly I'm lv 100 god in another world!"
Let's look at chapter 1:
> 4 chink evil people walk into a bar
> Mr musashi sue slams their faces into a brick wall yay go Japan
> Evil chink leader on boat
If it were a better story I'd like it more... Regardless of the political ideology, nationalism, and whatever country the enemy is. But as it is now ... It's a waste of Ikegami's art.