Begone, Ultramarine - Fragile Light of Pistol Star -

Group Leader
Jun 7, 2018
Angel Beats huh? I didn't even make the connection. Well I guess the initial premise has some similarities. Except this has philosophical dialogues instead of misplaced comedy and really well thought out mysteries. I think you'll be pleasantly suprised to see how different they are as the story progresses.
Group Leader
Jun 7, 2018
Chapter 3 came out in the monthly magazine earlier today. It is quite long so there is a lot to do. Not sure when it will be done.
Mar 24, 2018
Have we learned nothing from Koholint incident or Lost (apart from to never trust Brian K Vaughan or JJ Abrams)?

Thanks for the update.
Group Leader
Jun 7, 2018
Sorry for the lack of update. I have been working overtime and our cleaner/redrawer who isn't actually a cleaner or redrawer has a lot of classes so it has been taking a while, and the chapter being almost 40 pages doesn't help either. Luckily though we have found a real cleaner/redrawer so things should go a lot faster now. Expect a release within a few days orz.
Group Leader
Jun 7, 2018
Chapter 4 is being worked on. It was just released in Japan 2 days ago. There are 20 pages that need redrawing, so again, I am not sure when it will be done.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
...It took a while, but I now see there is a definite pattern to manga based on novels.

Still, the premise is beautiful to think about and is aided by the setting.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2018
Those were some pretty small heads/big collar and shoulders in the earlier bits.
Group Leader
Jun 7, 2018
Chapter 4 is pretty much done. Only QC remains so we'll try to release it by Sunday. We've all been busy with work and school, so it took longer than expected. Meanwhile I just bought and read chapter 5 which was released a few minutes ago. Looking forward to translating that.

Edit: Due to issues within the group such as a member leaving, the chapter is delayed although it is mostly ready. As someone who's new to the scanlation scene, I apologize for not yet having a proper workflow and schedule. There are problems in the group, and I want to solve them before I release the next chapter. Meanwhile I have already started translating chapter 5 which was released 2 days ago.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018
Okay guys, I have to be honest, from a story point of view, THIS STORY IS HIDEOUS 4 chapters in. Here's everything I found wrong just skimming this damn manga.
WAY TOO much exposition, the 1st chapter is basically I barf convoluted plot into your brain and acts as filler. They then spend the next 3 chapters stuffing exposition without revealing WHY I should care about the mystery, or if the mystery is important at all.

It just seems like they get drugged and dumped and that's it. It's like Lost, the TV Show, except EVERYTHING IS FILLER!! No one has any memories so no one has motivations TO ACTUALLY DO ANYTHING or GET OFF THE ISLAND so they mostly sit around TALKING and saying WE ARE HAPPY. Only the girl wants to get out, and the girl acts like a robot, spouting "I want to get off this island" every few pages and having no other motivation for what she does.

Chapter four is amazingly awful. They had the nerve to REPEAT chapter 3 from the point of view of another character, then they go into this convoluted EXPOSITION DUMP ON THE BLACKBOARD. Over Graffiti. Really? Do Real People act like that?

Did I mention they have introduced 10+ characters by the end of chapter 4 and no body has any personality and there's no character building? STOP TALKING, DO SOMETHING.

I'm gonna be brutally honest and give it a 3 star out of 10 because that's not good, it shows me the writer has nothing interesting to say and is making it up as they go, like Lost. . . . . . . and there's not enough character building and interesting action to carry the manga on it's own merit for now.
Group Leader
Jun 7, 2018
The story definitely does have too much exposition, crazybars, but that's because it is based on a novel, one that's written strictly in first person and is very hard to adapt. Which is also why there are so many POV changes. The story needs to be told somehow but it can't all be told through Nanakusa's thoughts as it was in the original novel, because manga is a completely different medium. One that has a hard time dealing with feelings the same way narration can.

However, I can tell you that you're completely wrong when you say "the writer has nothing interesting to say and is making it up as they go" because the story was released as a complete book with a complete story, and this is an adaptation of that. The story is completely thought out. I've read it so I know it. Albeit, the manga is different in some ways because of the reasons I mentioned. It just isn't easy to make a manga out of a novel that's written in such a unique way. And I do think that when the manga adaptation is completed in ~6 months, the complete story will be worth reading in manga format as well. I think the mangaka is doing a good job adapting the novel. I can't really think of any other good way of doing it without insulting the story by adding tits everywhere to keep people interested.
I think the mangaka has done a good job with kickstarting the characterization, which is also hard to do because Nanakusa isn't narrating and giving us more insight into characters such as Manabe and her motivations and past.
Group Leader
Sep 21, 2020
I think the manga is discontinued or so, the novel has 6 volumes but novels are no fun for me at all i can’t express my feelings nor emotions with only text and words inside my head.

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