This manga is a complete and utter garbage dumpster fire.
A burnt black garbage dumpster fire with red lines of blood, skull motifs and a glowing red evil eye that cannot be controlled.
It is the scream of a thousand disgruntled teenagers living in their rooms playing old Linkin Park albums on their cracked screen phones and fantasising of power-levels that would make Vegeta's scouter go off like a nuclear warhead.
And of course it is tagged "harem". There is no harem. The guy literally loves one girl but can't be with her because of all the chuunibyou reasons (bluh bluh the hunger bluh), no other girl has ever shown romantic interest in him, but of course on mangadex it has the harem tag because reasons.
Also the comments section is an absolute fucking mess of bellends screeching the e-word on endless repeat because they don't know what chuunibyou is. I must have blocked about 10 people through the course of reading this.
Nice art, I guess. Have a 3/10 you piece of shit excuse for a manga.
Now if you excuse me, I have to go find yet another isekai about someone taming a slime to purge this utter filth from my mind.