Berserk - Vol. 41 Ch. 358 - Dawn of an Empire

Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
Griffith has looked like that for a while now - ever since Miura switched to digital. I dunno if that has anything to do with it or if it's because he took such a long hiatus from the series it affected the way that he originally drew Griffith. But yeah - the last arc with Rickert had Griffith looking just as odd. I get what he's going for which is that he's supposed to be like insanely beyond imagination beautiful. And in a weird way I feel like he accomplishes that. Every time I see Griffith he certainly doesn't look human.

Because Griffith fucked everything by merging reality with the 'hidden fantasy realm' which contained monsters and all that crazy shit. So now pretty much nowhere is safe because of said monsters and everyone is flocking to his city for protection. So yeah there's reason for it. The world is pretty much facing doomsday.

I don't think it'll wind up like that. I can't help but feel that Griffith will ultimately fail entirely by himself. Eventually he'll come across Guts and ask him to save him and Guts will rebuke him. Griffith in turn asks if Guts hates him which is the reason for refusal - and Guts denies hating Griffith. We have tons of build up for Guts to finally give up on the emotions that have haunted him for so long. There's not really a reason for him to continue fucking himself over anymore - especially not if Casca is normal again and just wants to live a peaceful life. He was asked once before by the Witch of the Forest about what would happen to him if his anger faded - that he would lose his purpose in life. I think we're finally hitting that point in the story for Guts to reconsider what he wants in the world. And I doubt it'll be hunting down Griffith for a 1v1. If anything I could see his goal being destroying Karma - the tree vortex bullshit - which in effect would render Godhand moot. Although it's also plausible that Griffith intends to take out that heart/Godlike being which he spoke to while being reborn which told him to "do as you will"
Although I don't think it's possible for Griffith to perform that act since everything follows fate/order. Guts being the chaotic element which should have died in the Eclipse seems more fitting.

Also that casual Skeleton Knight confirmation. I mean we already knew. But still.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
@RetardoCato Can you explain why you come up with that conclusion? I still don't get it. Was it already confirmed by Schierke that the boy was the Elf king guiding them to the island during their meeting
Jan 31, 2018
Dang. That 'were all becoming better people because of griffith' bs as if that's what is really happening. The 'apostles and humans cooperating' bs as if those monsters are really doing everything for their sake. I can't wait for everything to crumble down in the faces of those ignorant enough to believe that griffith is actually being a humanitarian leader/savior instead of basically just being a spoiled/entitled brat who wanted to play leader/king/emperor. The look on their faces if and when griffith and his apostles turn on them lol. Can't wait!
Apr 28, 2019
@optiso, it's because Tritium Decay is a speed scanner who has a poor grasp on translation and an even worse understanding of editing. Really frustrating to see him continue making bad scans and other people putting them up here when they could wait like, 12 hours longer for the Evil Genius version. LordMune has been translating the series for years so it's annoying seeing this poser try to get some quick clout from it.
Nov 18, 2018
Is it just me or is Griffith preparing for another ceremony/ritual? i mean, i assume he's amassing loads of ppl in one place for a purpose.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
Hey miura can i get new chapter?
uh i was hoping i could see what happened to caska and guts and the gan-
Aug 16, 2018
😔We have waited for 8 months and that's what the author has done for us, what a shame 😔
Apr 13, 2018
It starts to tilt me a bit that there is another grifith chapter..this was the first chapter where I needed to skip most parts bc it was just plain boring. 1-2 ch were enough of grifith only.
Feb 14, 2019
In this exciting chapter of the popular action/fantasy manga, "Berserk": Griffith plays simcity, fucks, and bounces. But in all seriousness, I don't think this chapter was a total waste. I doubt after 8 months that Miura would just throw this in there for nothing. (right?) As egalitarian as Griffith's plans for Falconia seem to be. They also look pretty sketch if you ask me. @Serfri commented that Griffith was possibly preparing for another sacrifice to the GH, which seems pretty possible. I feel like the people of Falconia look at Griffith like the band of the hawk did. And I feel, with Griffith's comments about drafting refugees into the military, that he's treating the people in similar "property-esque" way that he did with the band, and Guts in particular. Without a doubt, the big things he was going for was like a strong national sense of unity, and who better to unify under than an ultra charismatic demon god? Someone else (I can't remember who, you're on the other page. Sorry bud) said that Griffith's set up was looking pretty totalitarian and I agree. Something is gonna go down soon. Not only is there all that, but we're left with a slight cliffhanger. Which means that next chapter we're wither gonna back to Guts' gang (let's pray), or at least see something interesting in a Griffith chapter unfold. I heard a rumor that the next chapter is actually coming out the 25th of this month, but I have literally no way to confirm that information (so again, let's pray).

Overall I think this chapter had more positives than negatives


Slight amount of intrigue
Foss, "fossing"
Sonia being cute


Reading is for losers
If I wanted to play a city builder, I'd do it myself
"Bah! We can't let poor people read!" (there's literally dragons and shit now, y'all have more to worry about)
May 3, 2019
This is such bs! I hate Miura! I wait almost a f*ing year and he keep giving me griffith when he dam well know everyone wants guts and caska!!! I have waited years for their reunion and then he went and did this! Now he's doing it again!@#!@$$!# Why has it have to be Miura? Why not someone that actually CARES about his readers? Berserk is by FAR my favorite manga ofa and that is the only thing that makes me not abandon the series cause of a f*ing masocist f*er who tortures people like this. It's been more than 21 years since caskas mind broke and they got separated! I personally have waited 7 years and enough is enough! This is the longest tease in history! Seriously, I'm about to explode! I literally check for the next chapter every f*ing day! I promise the f*er will take their conclution to his death just to f with us!^$!@$=@@!@%
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
Just me or Griffith hair strand that was looking at is kinda dark (and adds simbolism with both him and Guts slowly changing their hair colour to the other's even if the reasons are completely unrelated)?. If thats so we might have hints that the moon child IS Griffith being controlled for a short while by Guts and Kiaska's son. Before i just though that Griffith bodysnatched his body and the moon child is just a spirit made manifest by the worlds merging, but that scene makes me think on something entirely different. That might mean that 99% of the time Griffith is on control, but under the full moon, the moon child takes control for a few hours using the tree branches to transport between Falconia and wherever is Guts&co
Feb 7, 2018
Remember when this story was about the big guy with a sword and berserk armor..... what was his name....
Mar 6, 2019
@remunramu Wasn't confirmed at all by schierke, it was a guess, an assumption. That was one comment by a girl who knew nothing, all while there is tons of evidence pointing it to be a part of griffith. When he was manifested into the world, it used casca and guts child as a host. That part wasnt planned, and is now taking over a small part of him. When a full moon happens, when magic is strongest, this form takes over as their child and he wishes to visit his parents. There's a very subtle nod that Zodd is aware of this too, as you can see a silhouette of him on the cliff when the moonlight child is with them on the crocodile beach
Double-page supporter
Jul 29, 2018
Took me about 20 days after the release to bother reading it because someone told me it was a Griffith related chapter.
And yet, I still skipped almost the entire thing. I'm actually disappointed every time this happens. I want to read about Guts not this fag.

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