Between Summer & Fall

Apr 20, 2020
This was a really good read. Just wish it was a bit longer. But thank you for translating.
Mar 7, 2023
I'm normally not a fan of these way too dramatic stories but weirdly enough the drama fits this one perfectly lol, this was a very nice read
Jul 24, 2024
I LOOVED THIS SERIES, YUH-REM AND GA-UL ARE SUCH SWEETHEARTS. Oh my gosh, they really have a soft spot in my heart. Hope more people can read this manhwa
Aug 1, 2024
The story is off to a rocky start, with the most common trope there can be (crush on childhood friend, introducing some guys, new girl steals her crush...). Not very original, and I haven't gotten attached to any of the characters in 6 chapters. I don't really know much about them either since the author doesn't take time to properly develop them. The pacing is so fast that there isn't time for properly character building and development.

It has good art, but the story is definitely very meh. The drama feels forced and artificial, very cheap plot that is supposed to make the reader feel frustration over some badly written teenage girl drama the author whipped up. I can't seem to wrap my head around why did the transfer student get along so well with the pink hair girl. The density of the pink hair girl is of course, off the charts.

I don't know the circunstances of the author very well, but I would like to think this is self published by a rookie artist, because otherwise the story quality is not acceptable. The story is so bad and forced that at some points it made me laugh at serious scenes lol.

3/10 for making me laugh a bit, and the good art. The story is complete shit, you need to turn off your brain to read this. This shit is gold if you want to get deep in the plot and criticize its flaws, because it has too many of them.

The side characters are completely disposable AHAHSH. They appear in a few chapters to move the plot forward, and pff, they won't take up more than 3 panels in the rest of the story.
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