Beware of the Brothers! - Vol. 1 Ch. 14

Mar 30, 2019
Eugene is a good kid that tries hard...i cant believe the dad would allow the sick wife to feed a kid drugs just for "an illusion"... seems the dad was also shocked too much and his mind is not very healthy
Fed-Kun's army
May 23, 2020
Eugene character development

wait, this reminds me. in the past, Hari said the parents died a year later and their bullying got worse... why? will it change now that she went back to the past?
Double-page supporter
Aug 17, 2019
Yeah, after this I'm fully on the side of the boys. Their bullying was bad and it took our MC going back in time and acting like a bitch (yes, a bitch) for them to start reflecting on their actions. But this character development and relatability of these young children is why I can't stand the MC. She was meek and weak willed originally, but now she's almost become the bully. A 27 year old manipulating her parents to spite children who still don't know better. She's nice here and there but it's more on whims and guilt than an actual interest in building a healthy relationship with her brothers. I enjoyed this perspective and flash back more than anything the MC has done or said. I feel bad for the brothers now more than her.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 8, 2020
Eugene earning redemption points. It feels more and more like eugene and hari are the ones who are taking all of this shit. Eugene if you were a proper brother for her, it wouldnt have been like this

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