Beware of the Brothers!

Aug 13, 2020

"If you don't like what I have to say then scroll pass my answer"🙂

You are not capable of understand the meaning of the word "love" wtf is wrong with you?
Dex-chan lover
Jul 13, 2018
There's "love" that is forbidden, and incest is one of them lol
Nov 17, 2020
Ngl I didn't think the story to take that route with the romance based on the comments below
The thing with this is that incest does exist in real life anyway so it isn't farfetched for this to happen, that and the safety net the author used is that they aren't blood related

Everyone's entitled to their opinion. Whether you like or dislike what the author chose, you either read it or don't. Simple
Jun 27, 2020
are we going to ignore that the genre is not incest anymore? 🤨 because i’m okay with that if it means i’m not going to see any of that bs.
Dec 2, 2020
OKAY WAIT A SECONDD cause if you think about it the only reason she was adopted by the parents is because she looked identical to their real sister who had died so yes its kinda weird that there is sum.... "tension" between them. And lets not ignore the fact that they literally hated her at one point. Now technically it isn't incest because they aren't blood related but they were raised as siblings and everybody in the kingdom acknowledges them as such so lets say IF MAYBE they were to get together no one would allow it and they would probably be shunned so I'm not sure how this story is gonna end but yea that's just my take on the situation. lol imma keep reading doe.
Apr 17, 2020
re reading chapter one about the wedding after reading the comments, i can actually make more sense of this and now i am gonna re-read it all over again~ also for the big incest debate, blood relations, not incest.
Mar 22, 2019
At first the story is intriguing, the broken mom that adopted a daughter with similar looks as the deceased... the angst until the adopted sister finally being recognized as real family. How can they turn the table again by making the oldest bro having this romantic feelings towards her lol? it's not incest, but the story feels to go downhill after this romance part arrives.

I'll still read tho,i like the tension but it's unfortunate we're going this way.
Oct 8, 2019
im waiting til she looks like the women on the cover..
She seems so much more mature somehow and also happier.I
I also wondering what other plot twists they have in store for us.
Jul 24, 2018
If you grow up as siblings, bond as siblings, you are siblings. Its only in porn and manga the "not blood=not incest" logic flies. I'd say you were degenerates but i love isekai/reincarnation so..
Aug 15, 2020
I know I should’ve expected how this is going now based on the title, but let’s be honest for a second. The author completely pulled a 180 from how this was going at the beginning. Also @Gyges is completely right as well.
May 25, 2018
Here I was thinking it would be a normal time travel Victorian fantasy story but nah. They pulled the incest card. 🤢
Apr 12, 2020
People and incest...
While it is most definitely bad in a long term biological aspect, it's by no means 'unnatural'...
If it was 'unnatural' it wouldn't exist at all. Society brands it as unacceptable for obvious reasons, and while I completely agree that it should be avoided as much as possible, there are cases that are beyond people's grasp.
I refuse to see Hari's and Eugene's relationship as an incestuous one, because of the sole biological factor. How they were raised has nothing to do with it, plus it was clearly stated that Eugene was so distanced from them for the majority of their upbringing that he came to see Hari as this unknown girl.
Another thing I like about Eugene is that he is aware of what his feelings are, and how they could affect Hari and his whole family, and if it's worth to reveal them. I feel bad for him, but I respect his train of thought. We almost never choose who we fall in love with, so yeah.
Good luck man. ✊
Group Leader
Aug 9, 2019
I don’t think this counts as incest. That taboo is mostly due to biological factors and they don’t have to worry about that.
And if you go with the fact that they are adopted siblings, they were raised as siblings so it is still gross, then you are forgetting—while that may be true with the other two, Eugene and Hari haven’t seen each other for years and years. To the point that their relationship could be seen more as childhood friends than siblings.
Aug 30, 2020
even if it’s technically not incest, they aren’t biologically related, it still feels iffy to me. i know that for most of their childhood they grew up distanced, but they were still raised with the mindset of “siblings” and a family. hari was supposed to replace their dead sister.
Apr 18, 2019
I had a feeling it was going the incesty route and it did. Such a shame that I have to drop this :/ Yes it is incest because although she is adopted they’re still siblings
Nov 13, 2018
You have to take a step back when reading Eastern stories and realize different places in the world have different views on things, incest being one of them. While in NA it is illegal, in many Asian cultures (and other places around the world) it either is not, or as long as familial consent is given it is acceptable. Now that's mostly for 1st cousins or adoptive siblings, as blood related siblings are generally taboo everywhere. To the original author, adoptive siblings ending up in a relationship is probably not at all unheard of or strange. I've heard plenty of tales, from living people, of 1st cousins ending up together and frankly I find that more unnerving than adoptive siblings, but to them both can be perfectly normal. And at least in this case the author is taking the time to acknowledge that the characters involved know such a change in their relationships would alter the family dynamics entirely.

In the end however, if that is something you can not accept that is perfectly acceptable. You are allowed to be bothered by something, but do know as someone whose read the novel this is not going away. If it is too much for you, best stop reading this story then.


Aug 17, 2019
@Gyges, @BraveIzzy205, @myshi, say guys: what's incest? Why incest is taboo? Say it by yourself, give me a real reason why it's taboo, not some morale bullshitery. There is only ONE logical reason, and you know it.

And at last, where's incest in this story, and why is ML and FL relationship is gross? Do you know what childhood friends are?

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