Beware of the Brothers!

Feb 1, 2020
Ah, I'm not surprised there is an argument going on about the morals of this particular shoujo manga, but I do have one question--
Since its based on a light novel, does anyone know where I can read a translation of the LN?
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2020
@sgathach You can always click on the novel updates part under the description. It's fully translated + with side stories.
Aug 7, 2020
Haven't been reading this one in months and now there's a whole discussion about incest that I really don't wanna feed but. Just a question.

You guys really think the brothers saw Hari as a sister and vice versa? I feel that she was just trying to survive, as a kid. The brothers hated her guts, also. They're more like acquaintances than anything else. Dunno...
Aug 9, 2019
About incest, the most acepted teory about why it is taboo is because of economic reasons (Levi Strauss): forming links outside of the family core to increase survival... but of course there are more anthropological reaosns (like Westermarck, Marvin Harris, Freud, etc.). Biologically speaking if the genetic pool is too big the results of incest probably would be harmful (like what happened with the spanish monarchy) . On the other hand, for small genetic pools incest is perfectly fine even beneficial.
Historically speaking the taboo of incest have existed in every culture BUT is different from one to another depending of the cultural view of kindred. For example, one can come across a culture were having a relationship with your aunt may be taboo but not with your sister.

Culturally speaking Hari and Eugene having a relationship may be a problem bc they are clearly living in an european Early Modern Era setting. Biologically speaking these two don't share the same blood in asociety were the genetic pool is really big, so theres no problem in that part.

Personally speaking I don't think there's a problem with these two ending together.
Tey're pretty close in age, it seems they respect each other and they don't follow each other blidly.
But this is only my opinion, also I never intended for this to be so long OMG
Nov 28, 2020
Yup you guys are allowed to express your discomfort of incest and all. If that’s the case, let me also express my discomfort about you guys expressing your discomfort when all you can do is just... stop reading -.- Comments should be purely objective or fangirlling without bias jeez. Thank you for those who are actually objective on the issue :)


Aug 17, 2019
@midnighhts more like the comments trying to find incest, where it isn't even there, 'cause they don't know what incest is, and why it's bad.
Nov 28, 2019
Actually, at the moment when the duke and duchess died Hari is no longer a part of Ernst as both of her adopters dead. logically they're not siblings anymore so definitely it's not incest. and even in the chapter, the time Hari spent in the Vastia's residence is much longer than the Ernst residence, so are you guys trying to say that Hari and Johan are siblings as well?
Oct 25, 2019
@lumine04 wait if an adopted childs parents die, the child lose their name? Has no longer rights or space in family registrations? what is this logic anyway? Even if they are not from the same blood, they ar ein the same family registration, didnt their parents give the family name to her before dying? Or she has naver been officially adopted?
Oct 27, 2018
Incest is bad because recessive genes cause harmful mutations in much higher frequency. It happens often in species that are overly inbred, like some species of exotic pets or, especially, humans, which have been inbred obsessively for generations.
It's actually only really a bad thing when there's either psychological or emotional abuse involved, or when the pairing is of a male and female closely genetically related having traditional intercourse without protection/contraceptives. Otherwise, it's something that most people would probably find kinda gross to think about for direct relatives for much the same reason it's hard to feel safe in the car being driven by the same younger brother that used to incompetently follow you around, copying everything you do without understanding the how or why.
Jan 25, 2020
That's quite a harsh situation for them. Society is not nice to people choosing to stray from the path laid out for them. I'm quite curious about how they'll find a way around this. Sure it wouldn't be incest on the biological level, but it could be hard on the other two brothers who think of hari as their sister. Humans are social animals, and blood ties are not the only thing to take into account.
Aug 7, 2020
@salinas Adding to your comment because I'm that annoying 🤪

In a purely biological perspective, there's some theories about an instinctive aversion, fuelled by evolution, towards inbreeding (genetic variability is a very important determinant for the resistance of a species, after all); but incestuous relationships were relatively common until the 17th century, specially between nobility and royalty. There's also arguments about the taboo not having biological motivations, since society clearly displays discomfort towards affinity siblings relationships. It's not really about justifying incest, but rather rationalize something that it's part of human interpersonal relationships, y'know.

South Korea, historically, has always been strictly against consanguineous marriages. People with same surnames couldn't even get hitched, blood related or not. So it's needless to say that it's a very sensitive topic to throw around. That's probably why the author decided to make Hari an adopted kid.

Anyway, people have all the right to be bothered but it's also really simple to just... Stop reading. With the incest tag or not, it's kinda obvious since the beginning that something like this would develop. The manhwa's name is Beware of the Brothers. There's romance and drama tags. I mean-
Oct 10, 2020
Y'all, I'm not mad about it. She wasn't adopted by the Ernsts until she was seven. They only had a couple of years together, in which he REFUSED to think of her as his sister, but then started to at least accept her as a member of the family. He then spent the majority of his formative years and adolescence away from home. She's not his real sister, but close enough so that he worries what she and others will think and can feel dramatic over it. I think it's realistically done.
Nov 28, 2019
@arissanishimuta I'm sorry because my sentence is kind of wrong and confusing and even I misuse the word but let me rephrase my sentences. what i mean is even if they get married it won't be a problem since the duke and duchess have already dead because they're not related by blood and it didn't violate the laws in the country too beacause this is what written in the novel
Honestly, Eugene and Hari’s relationship wasn’t a problem, according to Arlanta’s law.

Although Hari was adopted as the Ernst family’s foster-daughter, the former Ernst couple who took her as a replacement for their dead-daughter had already died.

And Eugene and Hari weren’t related by blood either. So even though they were married, it didn’t violate the law at all.
Apr 24, 2020
I didn't want to believe it. I love WMMAP so I continued reading convincing myself that the comments and I were overthinking it. "How could it be? It must just be Eugene acting like a very caring older brother. He's blushing? That is just because Hari is so fucking cute. There's no fucking way that this wholesome family relationship will ever change. How could it?" That was what I thought. Then the more I read the more doubts emerged. "What if, what if this is really going there? Isn't Hari supposed to like the boy of the Vastians? Wait, what? Eugene sent them away and consolidated his power within the family so Hari could be safe? The blushes are getting more and more suspicious." Then my doubts won over and I went to find spoilers. Why? Why does it have to be this way? I had great hopes, I had expectations. Why do I feel so betrayed? WMMAP is a masterpiece so this should be too. Yet why do I not want to read on? Will Athy's love story be similar? Athy doesn't really show interest in the magician or the white-haired boy. Ah, I just realized a charm point of WMMAP that isn't present in BOTB. There aren't ships, there are no potential love interests. There is only one person Hari is showing interest in. I think this is as far as I go. Ch. 48 will be my stopping point. The journey was fun, farewell my fellow readers, may fortune and satisfaction await you.
Jan 26, 2018
Look, it's perfectly fine to dislike this trope or like it. There is no need to try to get into long drawn out debates about what counts as incest or whether that's bad.
I like the series, the art is lovely and the story has some emotional depth. But it is all up to you.
Jul 24, 2018


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