Beware of the Brothers!

Apr 9, 2020
I like the story and the complex characters, it's interesting because it's not incest but they were raised closely. Closely enough that it hits too close to home. She is their sister but in name only.

Like having a family friend that has known you since childhood, imagine, god forbid, that close friend's family perishes and moved by pity your parents adopt them. You never saw that friend as biological family and develop feelings for them because that is how human minds work.
This story is a similar situation, From the very start and one of hatred and resentment at that, it laid the basis that none of them viewed her as a sister. Further along they accepted that their real sister was dead and she was just way to ease the pain from that. As the story progressed she became more of a close friend than a sibling.

Which is the 'conflict' of the story that needs to be solved. I want to see how they will bypass this or if they won't. Please do continue to translate this story.
Dec 1, 2019
I have enough of the comment section saying that "It is another incest story". Like wth?! If you're here in the comment section only to express your discomfort regarding the story's trope, then it's better to get out of here and stop reading. It is funny to know that some of you even read it to the latest chapter before commenting lmao. I get it that knowing the main ship, the relationship may be seen unseemingly to some people. However, calling it 'incest'? Man, that's some taboo word you say there. So please, before anything, get some deeper understanding and knowledge about incest (or actually about anything) before commenting - like you actually know what it is.

Just saying that the relationship between Hari and Eugene is not considered incest because first, they are not even a biological sibling and second, Hari was raised and lived longer with the Vastia rather than Eugene himself.

Last but not least, it's back to our own opinion whether we see the story's trope as 'unseemingly' or not. Nevertheless, I believe 'that being a clown and considering one's story is trash only because the opinion you build yourself' has never been considered as an honorable act. Peace.
Aug 31, 2020
there must be a tag for incest here!! I'm dropping this manhwa. incest is incest. it is not allowable.
Jan 1, 2021
Beware of the Brothers is a fictional work depicting incest disguised as a slow burn romance. Beware of the Brothers, or BotB, follows the story of Hari - an orphan girl living in poverty after losing her mother who was adopted by the Duke and Duchess of Ernst due to her striking resemblance to their deceased daughter, Arina Ernst.
Hari suffers mental and physical abuse from the three Ernst brothers, made up of Eugene, Cabel, and Erich, throughout her childhood. This abuse only worsens after the Ernst couple are killed in a carriage accident. Growing up in these less than desirable conditions, Hari grows to hate her life in the Ernst dukedom. On the eve before her wedding, Hari goes to bed - only to wake up as a child once more.

Hari proceeds to "tame" her unruly brothers. We learn throughout the season that the Duchess of Ernst has been playing favourites and neglecting her sons as a result of delusions that Hari is Arina Ernst. The eldest son, Eugene along with his father, confront the Duchess after she gives Hari a drugged candy containing painkillers- something she regularly gave Arina to ease her pain.
The Duchess begins to recover under the care of a doctor, and the Ernst dukedom becomes a pleasant and warm place with the family living in peaceful harmony. Tragedy strikes, and despite Hari’s desperate attempts to prevent the couple’s demise, they end up six feet under.

The Duke and Duchess were killed in an unexpected attack on the young prince at a hunting competition organized by the imperial family. The Ernst household was in a state of chaos, Eugene becoming head overnight. The aunt of the Ernst siblings, Marquess Leonard, comes to stay with the siblings to take care of Erich. Under the guise of “etiquette lessons”, Marquess Leonard physically abuses Hari. Hidden from the Ernst children's eyes, Hari suffers this abuse alone for months, doing her best to keep the Ernst siblings well and safe.

Marquess Leonard commits one last act of cruelty in an attempt to throw Hari out of the Ernst household, telling Hari that she will be sent to an orphanage- Hari refutes her, telling her that she does not have the power to do so. A few evenings later and Hari is hauled out of bed by Marquess in the dead of the night outside to take her to the orphanage.
A ruckus is caused and the dialogue between Eugene and the Marquess goes as such, “You dare treat me like this, for a bitch that doesn’t even share your blood? You treat her as if she is really Arina. Don’t be fooled.” Eugene retorts with “Of course she isn’t Arina. Hari is already part of the Ernst family.” After throwing Marquess Leonard out of the mansion, they turn around to find Hari shocked. A thought bubble that appears once they turn back towards her reads, “He called me family.”

These pieces of dialogue alone show that they have formed a sibling bond, as is only established further when Hari asks, “Am I… also family?” Eugene kneels down and says, “Of course, you’re our sister.”
Eugene loses the remaining trust he had in the adults in the Ernst dukedom, and sends the children away to the Vastia family. Time cuts ahead and they have been living there for six years. Hari’s life has been peaceful since, and Eugene was just engaged to a lady named Rosabella Velontia.

Hari, Cabel, and Erich are told by the Vastia couple that they are finally able to go home. Hari and Louise Vastia go out to the market one day, there Hari stumbles into Eugene (literally). They go for tea, and throughout the dialogue, Hari refers to Eugene as “oppa”, a Korean word that roughly translates to “older male”. Hari does not refer to any other male like this aside from Cabel once or twice, leading me to believe that it was used in a way to signify respect yet also establish their closeness as siblings.

The Ernst siblings soon moved back to the Ernst estate after that, where Eugene presents Hari a new piano as a gift. Where after that, they proceed to eat together for the first time in years- as a happy family, and nothing more than that.
In a scene following, Hari’s hand is burned after a maid accidentally spills tea on her. Eugene treats her hand and they have a heartfelt conversation in which Eugene states, “Do whatever you want. If there’s somewhere you want to go, go wherever it is, and if there is something you want to do, it’s okay to do whatever it is. If there’s something you want, you can have all of it. The reason why I’ve spent so much time and effort up till now is so that you can have that right.” Hari tells Eugene, “I wish for you to be happy, oppa.” he replies with, “All of you being happy is my happiness.”

Eugene grouping Hari in with,“All of you being happy”` is pretty telling, as grammatically you would try to distinguish between siblings and outsiders. Later on in the scene, Hari’s thoughts read, “That’s why I want to become someone that my brother can lean on, rather than someone who’s a burden to him.”. Hari refers to Eugene as her brother, confirming once more that she thinks of Eugene as her brother. She refers to Eugene once more and continues to do it countless times more throughout the season.
The season ends at chapter 45, where Hari is told that her birthday banquet will be hosted at “Kazenta hall”, a hall so rarely used that the last time it had opened up was twenty years ago.

All of these takes and sibling bonding moments are disregarded and thrown away for an incestous romance that did not need to be due to the perfectly good secondary love interest Johan. Johan has always treated her with respect on top of being the man who Hari was so excited to marry in her past life.
And that, my dear friends, is why Beware of the Brothers is incestous. Now leave the incest tag alone you fucking fools.
Jun 22, 2019
😩 they’re not cousins nor siblingsss OMG I don’t mind if she had a flat broke down life, This story is so f***ed up, and that’s what I LOVE about it, the way it rolls like a rolling stone. I’ll be blunt. It’s truly in*est if you carry the same blood, F*** each other and like it🤨This ain’t GoT. Be real, I don’t know what kind of headspace exists within ya’ll to repeatedly think it even has an OUNCE of in*est but I think you’re truly disGusTANG To even think about in*est all the time, y’all nasteh.’ You don’t like”in*estual” undertones and never saw the biggest Red Flag?! Here, I’ll show you ♥️ NEWSFLASH ITS CALLED BEWARE OF THE BROTHERS BAHAHA 🤣

*I edited out potentially offensive words just in case they get Uber offended*
Jun 9, 2020
Incest is a topic that should not be romantized. Think about the „grooming“ aspect of it. Do you really freely choose to love a person that influenced you since childhood while beeing in a position of power? Its not sweet, its restrictive.
Oct 14, 2020
Your step sister by definition is one who is not related by blood to you. You are only related thru the marriage of your seperate parents. Therefore there is no legal, moral or ethical reason for you to marry. It is not incest, that would require her to be your half sister...That is, if you share a common parent.
That being said, concerns could be raised if you have grown up together from a young age. Such a close intimate bond such as growing up together may be overshadowing real feelings and confusing things.

Edited questions require edited answers.
At the age of +21 and never having grown up or lived together, it would be perfectly acceptable for you to marry your step sister. Anyone vulgar or rude enough to comment that your parents are married and you are marrying each other isn't worth the time or effort.

Stay in school, kids. Stay in school.
Jan 23, 2021
This is not an incest. I agree that it’s unappropiate since they are still siblings, but it’s not a forbidden love either.

Hari wasn’t adopted from baby. When their parent adopted her she was already a big kid. She only lived with Eugene for a short time. After that she lived in Vastia family’s house in other city for many years away from him. Eugune has a very short time growing up like sibling with Hari. So i understand why the author think they can be a couple. They weren’t really raised together as siblings like Hari with the 2nd & 3rd brother.

However i also dont like it. I cant see them as a couple having romantic feeling. They seem more like just caring brother & sister. Johan is better & more compatible to Hari. I hope Eugene & Hari relationship stay as siblings & their feeling remains just sibling love.
Feb 14, 2020
This is definition incest, the relationship between siblings is the same regardless of whether they're step siblings or not, it's gross but also ethically and morally wrong.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 4, 2019
I’m a bit confused how is this a shared universe with “who made me a princess”? I’m caught up, and I haven’t seen anything about manic or other nations that exist.
Active member
Nov 25, 2019
i dont like the main ship. not cause of the incest but i just dont like their dynamic. i prefer her with the 2nd brother more.
Oct 23, 2020
This is not incest, incest is between people who share blood. They are not blood related, only legally related.

But personally, it makes me uncomfortable and that’s exactly why I’m probably going to drop it. If it makes you uncomfortable, just drop it and move on, no need to complain about it.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 11, 2018
imma be real with yall, i liked it at first and then incest happened. i dont care that theyre not blood related, they were raised as siblings

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