Beware of the Brothers!

Dec 13, 2020
I saw the raw manga scans and this manga is getting real hot and I already read the novel... So whoever is reading this manga and has a problem with the "incest", ( not real incest since they aren't related and never saw eachother as siblings) y'all better stop reading today because your boy Eugene is making moves out here on your girl
Aug 16, 2020
Note: This is incest! Feel free to always re-add the incest tag when braindead incest sympathizers remove it <3
2nd Note: Not incest because they are step-siblings, but do what you want ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i'm literally not even into such tropes but this note is just unprofessional as hell, particularly the first note.
May 30, 2020
@ShondellSimon That's bullshit. If they considered themselves siblings even once, it's weird for any sort of more-than-platonic relationship between the two. In the episode I read, he asks himself if the feelings he's having are for more than a sister, which implies that he recognizes her position in his life as his sister at one point. But even if he didn't, they are step-siblings. If you condone such a relationship between step-siblings, you've either never had one or you have a very odd...connection with them. And again, she looks exactly like their deceased sister. How do you not see how that is a problem?

Also, @Kyriathe, I disagree with you 1000% regarding your statement about there being nothing wrong with problematic themes in fictional works. First of all, I've never read this manhwa, aside from the latest chapter; I'm only here 'cause I was cuirous about it sharing a universe with WMMAP. Anyway, obviously one manhwa isn't going to turn society into raving incest sympathizers, but you can't blame people for speaking out about the topics presented in this manhwa. In fact, I think debates like these are good and necessary, and if it helps no one else, at least you have this sort of outlet to vent and organize your thoughts on this subject. Now, why do people feel the need to do this? Because themes in fiction reflect and are derived from things that happen in real life, and it's important to talk about them. An author can't just do anything he wants just because his piece is fiction because fiction comes from reality. And the fact that real people take this story and accept and defend that step-brothers can have a romantic relationship with their step-sister who happens to exactly resemble there dead sister, is valid ground to start an argument. No, these characters are not real, but is incest a real-life issue? Yes. Do people take things they see in fiction and apply it to their real lives? Yes. Now, I'm not saying that anyone is going to go fuck their brothers and sisters after read this; I'm just saying the stories we read help shape out minds, and I want people to understand that it is weird to be romantic with your step-family, especially if they resemble your blood relatives.
Oct 14, 2020
It’s probably because of these negative responses that they’re not updating this. I’ll be sad if they don’t update.
Thanks for all of your past work A little sunshine scans. Y’all do a nice job.
Dec 13, 2020
@shrimpdumplings wow u wrote a lot 😅.... If u have such a huge issue with the story then please stop reading it. I’m pretty sure everybody on this page can tell the difference between reality and fictional stories. You need to relax. And to Imply that there something wrong with someone because they're enjoying the story line is just out of pocket. Like your really reaching. This is a story, its not real. A matter of fact if you have not read the whole manga just the recent episode then why are you protesting so hard on this page... I wouldn't be surprised if the translator stopped translating the manga because of the negativity in the comment section.... If you want to post a opinion maybe you should read the manga from the first episode to the latest and voice your opinion then. That way you'll understand where everyone stands. If your opinion doesn't change then that's fine. giving your opinion on a story without understanding the context does not make any sense.
May 30, 2020
@ShondellSimon All right, first of all, I've stated thrice now that I do not read this manhwa. I read the latest episode because I wanted to see for myself what people were uncomfortable about.
I'm sure that people know the difference between reality and fiction, too. I thought I made it clear that fiction reflects reality in my previous reply and stories help make up the way we think and process information. Besides, arguing that "it's just fiction" means you recognize that there are inappropriate themes in this manhwa, too, does it not?
My problem is not necessarily with people enjoying the plot line; it's with elements in the story. I'm not really bashing people for liking the story, and as I've gathered, the whole romantic part is a relatively new development, so if it's a good story, I wouldn't blame you if you've enjoyed it up until recent episodes. And anyway, why does my opinion matter? Why does anyone's opinion matter? By all means, read whatever the fuck you like. Who am I to stop you, and how could I anyway? I'm just here expressing my thoughts.
I decided to say something because the issue of this manhwa is not something that needs much background knowledge of the plot. I don't need to know everything that happens in between to establish an opinion on whether or not it's strange that a step-brother and step-sister have a romantic relationship. And why would I read this after I know it contains questionable topics? That would just be contradicting myself.
Let me ask you this: Do you have a step- family? Because I do. I have a lot of step-sisters, step-cousins, and so on, so I know what it's like to have relatives who are not related to me by blood. And having that experience, I stand by what I said. Sorry, but I think you're a little weird if you condone this type of relationship. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But that's just me.
Oh, and lastly, frankly, I wouldn't care if the translators dropped this due to negative comments. It makes no difference to me. In fact, that argument is baseless from the start. I hope you realize that this is an illegal, unofficial translation. These translators are taking revenue from the creators and publishers by posting this here. Now, I'm not going to call myself a saint because obviously I read translations on this site as well, but it isn't necessarily
a bad thing when these translators drop manhwas.
Dec 13, 2020
@shrimpdumplings. Omg no one is condoning the relationships of step siblings dating. just in enjoying the story.... Like what part of that can't u understand... U have some serious compression skills... I'm glad u don't love your step siblings like that... That would make u sick... This story isn't real life so I don't really care all much. Like your comparing your own family experiences with a fictional story.... Keep doing that I don't care.... And if u did read the story u would know she's Hari is not a step siblings she basically a foster child.... Parents took her in because they're clearly suffering from PSD because they're daughter died not because the love Hari.... Eugene hated Hari majority of those 3 year because of that reason....Context is Important... Like your acting like your family dynamics are Comparable. like get out herE. I feel dumb even conversing with at this point like I'm literally debating with someone who didn't even read the story. Stop @ing me. if u do I'm not reply at this point because I can't keep conversing with someone if they don't fully understand everything that has taken place in the plot because they're not reading the story. Of course u don't care if the translator drops it. YOUR NOT READING IT 😂
Aggregator gang
Dec 7, 2020
Pls update

Also man, it doesn't really matter ifit was inceet. Also they aren't real siblings to begin with.
Isn't incest famous during medieval and Victorian times?
May 30, 2020
@ShondellSimon Bruh, you were the one who began this whole thing. I just put up a comment on my thoughts, and you felt the need to reply, so don't come at me saying you can't believe you're arguing with someone who hasn't read the story. I've explained in detail my problems with this story and what I think about fiction, so sorry if you don't understand at this point. Obviously you do condone that sort of relationship because you've been defending it until now. From what I understand there is a sense of siblingship at one time between these characters. No matter if he hated her for however long, there was a form of sibling relationship (being siblings does not mean you love each other). And if she was more like a foster child than a step-sister, then I'd say that's even more inappropriate because she's practically been adopted into the family. I'm not saying my familial situation is anywhere close to whatever the fuck is going on in this story. I was just saying I know what it's like to have family that is not related to me and how I find what I understand to be the direction of the plot off because of that aspect of my family.
I don't know what to tell you. I mean, like, every point you tried to make I've already written about. I've already tired to explain my point of view, harmlessly at that, since this is an open forum for discussion.
I dunno, man. Read it if you want, but I have my opinions, too. Obviously it is not only me who thinks this way, so I don't think I really need much context of the story to form an argument because as I've said before, this isn't a topic I think much plot knowledge is required to understand.
The truth of the matter is that there is something problematic about elements in the plot, or nobody would have brought it up.
Like I said, do whatever you want, but I'm just putting my two cents in.
Dec 13, 2020
Hey everyone apparently if you really like this manga or the novel, which ever you read first apparently you also like your siblings according to @shrimpdumplings so yeah so read at your own discretion because apparently you’re into your siblings if you’re into the story I don’t know 🤔... If you like this story you 100% Condone Incest in your regular life😂 (I'm being sarcastic... Whoever is enjoying the story just enjoy it) people make the weirdest assumption.... Condone... People are so extreme its funny. Like any show and manga that contains any sort of incest like games of thrones (which was actually real incest to the extreme 🤢) is also into that stuff. ☺️ Are u retarded look up the difference between a foster child and adopted child and I’m telling you right now they’re different things they’re not the same you’re stupid to think so.
May 30, 2020
@ShondellSimon Damn, how old are you? What's with all the immature name-calling? Now I'm the one who's embarrassed for arguing with you. I thought you said you wouldn't reply the next time. What happened to that? And the way you twist my words is wack. But it can't be helped, I guess.
Feb 14, 2021
Wow. a works of fiction is enough to triger these arguments. These just prove the author's ability to immerse the reader's mind into the story. Please continue. Great work.
Oct 2, 2019
When did an incest tag get added? They are not related, and I highly doubt she really see any of them as siblings. Well, at least in her first life. And she isn’t really around the oldest that much to really form a sibling bond.

Also I wanted to add ppl love Game of Thrones, and it has actually incest. They didn’t drop it because of it.
Oct 5, 2019
The comment section is not a place to argue or smthn lol

Anyways, I’ll be explaining the two sides.
So the first side, people think this is incest, because “in the law” they’re siblings. And their conscience doesn’t feel comfortable reading this because they’re technically considered siblings - not by blood. And lastly, they lived in the same house for quite a while and they have the same parents under the law.
In the second side, according to the “facts”, this won’t be considered incest since they’re not blood related.

So for short, you guys can’t really argue even if it’s your own opinion because you guys have different conscience and feelings.
Therefore, if you feel uncomfortable, just leave, don’t even try to say anything.
One more thing, you don’t need to add the incest tag, the description is enough for them to know if they want to read it or not.

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