@Redsaint "I feel like our villain here wants birdy to take the reins of the empire"
I don't think so. There are two factions who fought for the throne of Alta. The Arita royal family, and Etania's imperial family. Birdy is descendant of the Arita family (a clone, to be more precise), but Christella is looking for someone related to Etania's imperial family. I think she's talking about Chigira, the boy that Gomez is looking after.
One interesting detail revealed now is that the source of the Ixioran powers is Etania's blood line. That's why Chigira has those powers. Birdy has Ixioran powers too but she was genetically engineered to have them. Chigira seems to be a natural Ixioran, a true descendant from Etania's imperial blood line.