Useless saying something justificative about mistakes in past, but harass someone in any handable cases is unconstructive at all.
By the way, strange why Birdy not mentioned what happened with Hazumi or Chigira, or how they've lead to Hikawa and all this clinics and labs? Or it because not involved persons can be listen?
Needed to say something about whole series.
All, what you seen there, is not so illogical or compleatly stupid, in real life things may be happened or not with more crazy or trivial circumstances. Particularly, investigating process may continue year by year and ended never, because someone working formaly and/or underresourced.
Schoolboy, who do not want to enjoy this circus for all this time, is not so big mistake in story. Actualy, it's very hard understand, why Tsutomu seemed unconcerned, but if think deep a little, answer is obvious - his life was destroyed and depression is comming. Lol, but it's ok being depressed with shizophrenia, when thoughts can be directed in opposite ways, and many-many times you feel (if you can) like you acting so wrong and most of times you realy acting wrong, and sense of estrangementation of your own body may be increasing. Then, what happen if you have
that kind of expirience? Two depressed minds in result?