Black Clover

Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
The only advantage Jaimini's Box had over Mangastream was being able to find their work outside of their site.
Oh well.
Jan 18, 2018
@Amplify Nah, all sites except for original batoto and mangadex rip whatever first will release the new chapter.
Sep 13, 2018
How they even expect people to move to ""better"" manga aggregators if they have to put up with this silly delays?
A day or two is reasonable even if I don't understand why they want/need it. But this is just stupid.
Do they really think people will start going around dozen of website to read their translation or is it more probable they'll just head to mangafox/reader/here and the likes?
Jan 25, 2018
Quick review @ch25:

7/10. Grade: C

So far, all the major themes have been completely derivative, practically copied directly out of Naruto/Bleach/FairyTail, with a smattering of others. Not a bad thing in itself, but there really hasn't been a unique twist/flavor to the themes or to the characters; everything feels like a reskin instead of something new.

Still pretty early, but it's getting more tedious as there needs to be a greater theme or something to challenge expectations. Read if you're bored I guess? Thoroughly average fare from Jump.

edit: the early chapters from JB seems to be when they were first starting out. Really inconsistent and low quality, but it's interesting to see the evolution.
Active member
Jul 22, 2018
Rushed, poorly developed, cliché and repetitive at times.. It could've been a GREAT story, but It seems the author prioritizes fast-pacing over EVERYTHING else. :s
With that being said, I did find it entertaining to some extent, so I'm giving it a 6/10. :x
Jan 26, 2019
Eh I read 50 chapters and honestly past the beginning there’s really not much here. The rivalry takes a backseat to everything, they don’t care to explain anything and instead just hides stuff without doing any twists or anything interesting to the plot points. Any dynamics between people boil down to tropes and the pacing is all over the place (multi page fight scenes for minor fights then fucking nothing then people talking over fights, flashbacks, fights being instantly over) if someone slashes a massive jewel sword in half and I’m bored your doing something wrong. 6/10 because sometimes some brilliance boils over into the mundane and there are some great moments but they are sadly few and far between. Read if you want shonen and nothing but shonen with a side of shonen and an extra helping of shonen.
Aggregator gang
Apr 29, 2018
Why JB is delaying ch. 196 for 8 days, when ch. 197 is already out? I know that they want the ad-revenue in their site and all, but it isn't in their best interests to be the first reliable source of chapters? In fact, being slower than the competition in the release pace will probably reduce the traffic influx generated by Black Clover.
Double-page supporter
Sep 30, 2018
<link removed> has been seized.

will they return?
will someone take their place?
is this some kind of sick twisted joke?

tune in next time to find out.

Mod Edit: Removed external link as per our advertising rules
Mar 6, 2019
BTW, if you dont want to use their Website. Manga Plus - Shueisheis Manga App and Website also provides the newest chapters.
With (not annoying) ads, but hey... you are helping the official Publisher and thus probably (or hopefully) the author
Dex-chan lover
Dec 11, 2018
For some reason all the English chapters seem to have disappeared from the list of chapters( I don't know if that has actually happened but I cannot see even a single English chapter in the list), so I have to visit the JB website every time I want to read black clover (Just finished reading chapter 209 on their website).
Apr 14, 2019

So basically lots of TL Groups have been kinda boycotting from mangadex, They had a little "Fight" if i had to explain it.


Mangadex = No, we can do whatever we want
(some) TL Group = Uh no, we are translating, bla bla
Mangadex = Well you can delay releases for traffic, and etc
(some) TL Group = We want $/More traffic/At least recognition that they are the Translator
Mangadex = Well like we said...

And then things spiraled out of control, that's like really simplified, but that's basically it.

Funny thing is that we're all pirates lol.
Active member
Jan 23, 2018
@GinkoP they get recognition in the form of the chapter list naming and linking to the group [age which also links to their site. they get recognition in being able to add their credits pages. the delay gets them traffic and still keeps them in the eye of readers.

as for $, if they are working solely for money then I have no qualms reporting them to the original publishers. as much as I like reading these series I know they are technically illegal and demanding to be paid for it should not be rewarded unless they have gone through the necessary legalities beforehand. the emphasis is on the demand, since donations are completely different and welcome and earned on the basis people think they want to help out or that the quality is deserving of support.

As for boycotting. Personally I find it the stupidest form of protest possible, because those doing it stand to lose far more than those they are boycotting. a new group will be formed, see the series is missing chapters here and decide to pick up translation. will it be far behind the other? yup, however it will have gotten the viewership the boycotters surrendered willingly. all this boycott has achieved is annoy a bunch of the series fanbase, a sizeable chunk that will just stop reading it altogether, and reducing the possible number of DMCA's Mangadex will face in the future.
Dec 26, 2018
And yet it would be so simple to solve...

@Mangadex : Just offer an option to "upload" a link instead of the chapter itself.

That way, groups that have their sites and want visits will have them, without lowering the visits on mangadex.
And if you're wondering why it won't lower the visits on mangadex, it's simple, I don't want to waste time making tons of bookmarks and check every single site.
Mangadex regroup the translators, and translators can choose to either redirect to their site or upload here.

In fact, it might lower the server charge for mangadex.

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