You may be here for Netsphere Engineer and Blame!², but don't miss out on Blame Gakuen! It is not just a quick fan service cash-in. Blame Gakuen! has some of the best art and use of color in the entire volume. The chapter Tokyo and Nara Under One Umbrella in particular is gorgeous. It is pretty funny, too, and I, for one, loved Sanakan
an Elegant Gothic Lolita dress
. The short stories unrelated to Blame! are funny and grotesque and also worth reading.
He spent like 9 volumes of Blame! without understanding that it totally lacked the Female Clothing Disassembly Beam?! Seriously Nihei-sensei, don’t think we forgive you just because you gave us tentacles with tits in Shidonia no Kishi.
Came and left after reading through Netsphere Engineer & Blame!². The other titles are creative, but really the two chapters I just mentioned are the real reason why this is even worth opening up.
Some of these stories are basically sequels to Blame that hint what happened to the world after the ending of Blame, but the Blame Academy parody's kind of fun too. If Blame were done in the modern era, I could see something like that done at the end of every chapter or anime episode for comic relief to give people a break from the regular Blame content.