Aug 15, 2020
This is one of the masterpieces.

@katsu_curry that may be because this manga is not for everyone. You are just suddenly thrown into a world and actually have to put effort into understanding things. That is why this is my favorite

@Iandiazgentry read the master edition. there is a pdf of all volumes somewhere on the net

For those who can't understand the story, check the wiki on for chapter explanations
Dex-chan lover
May 19, 2018
Came here after watching the Netflix movie. Good thing I did too, as that movie set up the context of things much better than this manga did early on. This manga has the opposite problem of those crappy manga / anime with overly long backstories where there's paragraphs of exposition and history you don't give a crap about it the beginning that you don't even have the context to understand. It's too minimalist and doesn't explain anything. Plus the art makes the action scenes a bit hard to follow.

It has its strengths, like being atmospheric and establishing a mood, but so far, it's lacking characterization and context for what's going on. I like it so far, but can see why it never became a megahit, and only got animated after Knights of Sidonia was successful.
May 12, 2020
Cult classic, you're probably going to either love or hate this manga.

[ul]- Fantastic world and atmosphere
- World is kept as mysterious to the viewer as it is to the MC through a lack of exposition/info dumping
- Most chapters are relatively easy to read, and most of the manga is entirely visual with minimal storytelling
- Most arcs are short and don't drag on too long
- Visual style and storytelling does an incredible job at selling the scale of the world and the ungodly lengths of time it takes to traverse it
- Visual storytelling done right ("show, don't tell")[/ul]
[ul]- Practically no dialogue
- Early chapters are disjointed from the remainder of the book
- Art style evolves over time and gradually improves, leaving earlier chapters looking clunky and unrefined in comparison to later chapters
- Some chapters are total cluster-fucks and require numerous re-reads to grasp[/ul]
Overall, one of my favorites of all time. It's definitely not everybody's cup of tea, but most of the chapters are easy to read through, and it's not a joke to say that the ~2,000 pages of this manga series can be read in about 6 hours. Give it a try, at least a handful of chapters. If you're not digging it, you won't like it later. If you fall in love, you'll love it all the way through.
Sep 15, 2020
Started reading this manga because i saw someone mention it when i was reading Usogui (read this manga it's amazing). And man i enjoyed this allot i really liked everything about it esp. the buildings and world design it was very interesting but also gloomy and gritty but oddly relaxing aswell. Deff will re-read this soon.
Nov 27, 2020
heard about this offhand in a video on youtube, proceeded to read the entire thing over the course of three days and absolutely fell in love with it.
pros-compelling storyline, interesting characters, some of the best setting art i've ever seen, and an ability to carry a lot of emotional weight despite having very little dialogue
cons-first few chapters have no real effect on the rest of the plot, the lack of color/midtones leads to some bits of it being super visually confusing
read this before you watch the movie. seriously. the movie is great but makes no sense without it.
if you don't like/can't handle body horror and gore, this isn't for you.
overall-one of my favorites. 9/10
what the fuck was that ending
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 23, 2020
Didnt love It but It was alright. Can tell why people love it the art Is fantastic, the story would be too If I could tell what exactly was going on more.
Mar 21, 2018
Shame these scans are such low quality, really recommend going to a different site & reading this masterpiece there, it really takes a lot away from the manga.
May 15, 2023
"Reflexive ending" "Figure out the end yourself" "You decide how it ends"

Fuck off! It's just sad looking people walking and shooting and walking and shooting for 65 chapters to end with absolutely nothing. FUCK OFF!!!! Is this mangaka related to Junji Ito? So fucking annoying wasting time with stuff that has no explanation at the end.

And what's with the name of the manga? I can only think of the mangaka to "BLAME!" for the shitty story with no ending or explanation.

They walk, the shoot, they die and come back to life. They lose arms and regenerate, they lose legs, torsos and even heads and regenerate. Until, randomly they can't regenerate anymore. The main character has a stump leg but can regenerate head shots. Fuck this bullshit. And what about the whole fucking point about the gene? Nothing happened with the gene they were searching for!!! And the main character gun never leave his hand? He die 10x, pass out 50 times, but the gun is always there. ONCE he tracked the gun with the random powers he got for random reasons after some of the dozen of passing out/deaths. How lame is that?

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