Bleach (Official Colored) - Vol. 74 Ch. 686 - Death And Strawberry

Feb 5, 2020
I’m just happy the anime adaptation of the final arc was confirmed by Kubo to be uncensored due to its midnight air time. No more black tar blood, no more botched bifurcations or gutted gore, or dreaded underboob undershirts.
Aggregator gang
Apr 10, 2019
@MCP1986 if it does go like this, great. Im all in for that


Man the novels really took off and showed how much potential this series still had. Ywach's vision actually take root in how the primordial Bleach world was initially formed. Ichigo's mixed blood has yet to show its true implication on the series.

Now enter Kazui. If kazui was able to inherit orihime's 'rejection' abilities - which was what theorized based on the incident in this chapter (was a debate whether Ywach got absorbed or rejected by Kazui) then he's a keystone to something bigger than soul society and not a reach to call himself the next soul king - for better or for worse depending on what the noble families and squad zero will make of it...

Hell will break loose if anyone tries to touch Kazui
Sep 25, 2018
Man I really hope the anime gives us what the manga cut short because of Kubo's health problems at the time.
Oct 4, 2020
To this day i still hate that ending and will not get over it. frustrating, waste of a good fucking potential.
Active member
Jan 14, 2021
@ScreamingMidgit was it health problems? i was under the impression it was basically canned due to drop in popularity so he rushed the ending and we got what we got
Aggregator gang
Apr 10, 2019

Yep yep. The direct continuation after TYBW arc is called "Can't fear your own world". There are three volumes already. Explores a lot about the four noble families and how they relate to the sealing of the soul king as well. Author also wrote Durarara if you're familiar with that.

"We do knot always love you" centers on rukia's marriage with renji.

And there's also "Spirits are forever with you" centered on previous squad 11 kenpachis.

There are other light novels as well, one even between Aizen-Kugo arc
Sep 25, 2018
@Ghekor yeah back around the time Bleach ended Kubo has a torn ligament in his hand or something along those lines, made drawing an absolute bitch for him then.
Active member
Feb 13, 2018
I never liked the ending of this series, for one incredibly specific reason: it violated their own stated rules for how things work, and did so in a way that it completely failed to justify or explain.

Reality cannot exist without the Soul King. If the Soul King dies, the world just vanishes, he's the critical failure lynchpin for the entire Bleach multiverse. Furthermore, the Soul King literally has omnipotence, for all intents and purposes he is all-powerful and can do whatever the fuck he wants, nothing can defeat him, ever. Everything Sosuke Aizen did was because he was rebelling against the order of the universe: he saw the way the universe worked, did not like it, and decided to replace the current Soul King and change it, because he thought he could do a better job. This means, naturally, that the Soul King has the power to order the universe however they please, more or less. They must. And they do, we had that confirmed to us. By the same token, we had to stop Yhwach from absorbing the Soul King, at all costs, because once he did, he could succeed where Aizen had failed, he could do what Aizen could not: remake the universe in his own image, to shape it in a manner that pleased him.

These two facts, that the Soul King has this kind of power, and that without the Soul King everything just stops existing, are the core concepts of the ENTIRE series. Ukitake literally threw his life away to turn the arm living inside of him into a substitute Soul King, just to stop the universe from blinking out of existence because of what Yhwach was doing.

And yet, in spite of all that, Yhwach won. He fully absorbed the previous Soul King and became the new Soul King. That's it. We lost. Game over. Yhwach is now actually omnipotent: as if he wasn't omnipotent already with his own Almighty power, he now has that power but backed up with all the strength of the Soul King. There is literally not one single thing in the Bleach universe that could stop him, he can do whatever he wants.

Then Ichigo beats him anyway. He just beats Yhwach anyway, for absolutely no good reason whatsoever. Ichigo does it because he has to, not because it makes any sense. The only explanation we're given is some halfassed bullshit about Quincy powers that doesn't even make sense, because Yhwach was no more a Quincy at that point than Butterflyzen was a Soul Reaper. Two people who should not have been there appeared to shoot Yhwach with a projectile attack that should have never landed, to deliver a munition that should have had no effect both because Yhwach was beyond that and because Yhwach, as the progenitor of the Quincy, would have known about that trick and ergo been immune to it's effects, in the pursuit of a plan that makes no sense, trying to achieve an outcome that Yhwach's Almighty power both should have seen coming and could have retroactively edited to not happen even if he did somehow see it coming.

Yhwach can literally see the future, is immune to everything he knows about, knows everything about everything he has ever seen, and can edit the future even after his own death to come back to life if something somehow manages, impossibly, to blindside him in spite of all of this, because Almighty is a fucking temporacausal power, and it's absolute fucking horseshit. He literally has omni-precognition and can choose to ignore cause-and-effect, retroactively declaring things that happened as having not happened, or vice versa. He can come back to life by using the Almighty to clear that he just didn't die, it did not happen. In spite of all of that, Ichigo still somehow just fucking stabbed him, and it was all over.

That's fucking stupid. That makes NO sense, none, at all. The only possible way you could ever beat Yhwach is through time travel. I'm not kidding. Your only fucking hope would be to go BACK IN TIME, in the opposite direction that his powers (seem to) work, and gank him before he ever has a chance to start paracausally bullshitting you. And I actually assumed that's what WOULD happen, since Aizen was there, the Hogyoku could maybe get involved, maybe Ichigo would have to rewind and travel to the past to stop Yhwach before everything got to this point.

But he didn't. He just stabbed him. The end.

We were told that the Soul King is omnipotent and that reality cannot exist without the Soul King. The ending of Bleach, no, the last two CHAPTERS of Bleach, both just casually threw BOTH of those things out the window with a shrug and a wink. Ichigo did something to Soul King Yhwach that should not have worked, but it did. Then nobody questioned why reality didn't stop existing after Ichigo won. Then Yhwach tried to possess Ichigo's kid in the Epilogue, and got blown out like a candle, which... should have ended the world right there. But it didn't.

The ending of Bleach made no sense. None. It broke all the rules it had previously established, and didn't bother trying to explain itself at-fucking-all. As far as we can tell, everybody in the entire series was wrong about fucking everything, and a whole bunch of people died for no good reason. Which would have been a hell of an ending if that had been intentional, if that had been part of the plan, but it wasn't, because no alternative explanation was ever given for how things actually work, and nobody in-universe even noticed or commented on how they were wrong. I still love the aesthetics of this series and wish it could have gone on longer, I wish Ichigo's own powers could have been explored more. But the ending, not even the last arc (because I know some people don't like the Quincy, but I super do, I like the Quincy and I called Ichigo being one himself a long, long time ago), just the last five-ish chapters, just ruined the whole thing. It was a bad ending. I can't like it. Even if one of you swooped out of nowhere and explained everything perfectly, my problem would still remain, because wow, that's cool, thanks for making everything make sense! Now why the FUCK didn't that get explained in the manga, then?

My two biggest issues with this manga will always be that the ending was just total gibberish, and that Ichigo never got to explore or use his Quincy powers at all. If he was never going to use them, then he might as well have thrown them away when reforming Zangetsu, since having them ultimately did not matter in the slightest.

At least Tite seems to still be interested in the series, since he's done some official art for the Bleach gacha game, which shows off "official" appearances and depictions of some really interesting what-ifs, like Soul Reaper Tatsuki and Ichigo If He Only Used Quincy Powers.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 15, 2020
@Lord-Rain you make a good point but dude you could’ve explained this in like 4 sentences. But anyway thanks for sharing your thoughts I think I remember having a similar reaction back when I ready this series many years ago.
Jan 20, 2018

I'm going to at least try to offer you an explanation that might work for you. I'm not great at reading comprehension or writing, but I'll try.

Firstly, I don't think the Soul King is omnipotent. He's functionally close, but not quite there. If he was omnipotent, he could undo the effect of his crystal prison thing and stop himself from being killed. Even if he voluntarily entered that state in order to prevent boredom, killing him would have been impossible unless he wanted you to do it and if he wanted to die, he could have killed himself.
Furthermore, if he was omnipotent, he'd be able to hold the world in whatever shape he desired regardless of what anyone else did. He can't do this. The quicies threatened the fabric of reality by destroying the souls of hollows. The Soul King appears to be unable to keep the various dimensions from merging back together unless a balance of soul power exists in all dimensions.

Secondly, I think you're wrong about why Yuha (I dunno how to spell it) absorbed the Soul King in the first place (Forgive me if I misunderstood you concerning this matter). Absorbing the Soul King actually slowed down his original objective. The world was reverting to its original state when the Soul King was killed. This was the end goal. The only reason he absorbed SK was because Ukitake stopped the world from reverting by using SK's arm to hold things together. In other words, once Ukitake intervened, the automatic reset was cancelled, so Yuha had to do it manually by absorbing SK.

So, Soul King Yuhabach or however you spell it, (SKYB) is now a thing. He can see every future and change the past and present to make that future come to pass. He believes this power is perfect because he never faced anyone who could show him otherwise. Tsukishima and Aizen show that this power has limits even after absorbing SK. Once Tsukushima and Aizen interfere with his power and demonstrate that it isn't perfect, you as the reader can see there must be some way defeat him. SKYB thinks he has seen through the timeline manipulation of Tsukishima, but how does he know that? He was already under Aizen's influence when he comments on Ichigo getting his broken sword back, so he likely only thinks he can freely see and manipulate Tsukishim's new timeline.

Aizen is interfering with SKYB's ability to change the alternative timelines created by Tsukushima. Despite Yuha's knowledge of his quincy weaknesses to that silver stuff (can't remember the name), he can't manipulate the timeline to prevent it from happening. Aizen is preventing YB from seeing Tsukishima's new timelines or making him think he can see them but seeing something else instead.

The next part is a weakness in the presentation that requires a little imagination to explain. When Aizen and Ichigo are talking after the getsuga, who's perspective are we looking from? If it's the reader's perspective, then it's harder to explain, but If we're looking at the conversation from SKYB's perspective then he could be under KS' power again as soon as he revives himself. Aizen knows YB's power and prepares for the next phase of the battle by lulling him into a false sense of victory.

Be interested to know your thoughts. I hope it was cohesive enough.
Dec 26, 2020
Hopefully some of the things left out in the manga (the things in the novels and what happened a 1000 years ago) will be added in the anime.
Personally felt the last 6-8 chapters in context of the arc wasn't great. At least Kubo finished this series despite his health problems.
The last two epilogue chapters are really good, shame the final battle was rushed.

Despite this I still love this series to bits. Waited for the anime to return for 9 years, I still can wait a year or two for a top tier anime. Thank you Kubo for making this series that I love so much

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