@cia12321 Oh, I see. I didn't check the mal page - only checked bakaupdates - so that one's on me I guess, but then again, updating series information on mal is really slow, and genre changes almost never go through (believe me, I've tried it before). This author also denotes when of work of hers is BL or not in both her website and her twitter, and she didn't have that distinction for Bloody + Mary, making me think it wasn't her intention to turn it into a BL work.
I do agree that Mary and Maria's relationship has a lot of chemistry and that it's left ambiguous, though. I think overall this is one of those series where the BL *subtext* is really strong, that it would be very tempting to consider it as such, like, say, Free! for example. I don't have anything against considering it as such; I mean, even if you consider it a romance and I don't, we could both agree that our male leads really are close