Blue Flag

Aug 20, 2020
I literally fell in love with this story, I wished they put a bit more at the end but I love it nevertheless
has to be in my top 5 manga tho
Jun 30, 2020
[Just my opinion but Everything was perfect up until the end of chapter 53 after which they went up and made it all go down just like that.
Man I'm so disappointed rn that can't even sleep anymore. Should've trusted the comments and prepared myself for this.

I know it sounds weird but deep inside I'm happy at the way it ended but wasn't expecting that breakup and stuff at all. Kinda stings tbh. I think I could've taken it if the ending was extended for sone more chapters but it's too rushed.

Overall i really loved the manga. Thank you author for such a masterpiece. Definitely one of the best one's I've ever read but nothing is perfect.]

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Feb 13, 2021
y’all need to reread the story if you truly think that we saw absolutely no connection from Taichi to Touma and that it was all one sided until the time skip like seriously i feel so bad that Kaito spent the time writing these characters and the moments that they share for y’all to skip over it all and say some homophobic bullshit in a comment section, i really hope the Nation goes on a lockdown and the covid curb goes down cause clearly y’all need to take a step back into English class
Feb 11, 2021
Im shocked wtf just happend???
Even tho i was rooting for touma but the hole manga was about taichi and the girl flirting together
Feb 24, 2023
Found another source to read the rest, so I could finish the series. I'm disappointed in the end. I'm not bothered by the final pairings, but it felt like that ending was shortcut so far that it was the manga equiv of an M Night Shamalan film
Dex-chan lover
Dec 23, 2019
Ao no Flag by KAITO ⭐ 10/10 ⭐


hands down the best manga on technical level. paneling, bubble texts, screen tone, it's the cleanest i've seen in manga. it's clean, clear, not cramped. the character's expression is very very precise.
and author move the story with his drawings. he didnt add text when it's not needed.

beautiful drawings, top quality paneling, clear art, and expressive characters. it all guide me through the story flawlessly. story is pretty standard because of that, people can easily relate to it. and with such perfect presentation, OH MY GOD it delivers.

dont really like the ending, feels rushed. but author's art carried it. hope to see his next work.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
more of my thoughts about the last chapters and the ending :

" blue flag " ? more like :

" rainbow flag " , typically consisting of six horizontal bars (from top to bottom: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet), used as a symbol of LGBT pride and LGBT social movements.

" red flag " :
* A cue, warning, or alert; a sign or signal that something is wrong.
* Something that will enrage a particular person;

Dex-chan lover
Dec 11, 2019
Yo can some one fucking tell me if the mangaka got kidnapped and was forced to write after the epilogue. Holy shit this was a god like manga please if you read stop at like 53, you read after you completely hate the manga. The end makes 0 sense literally there is 0 debate. You cannot make a argument on how the end makes sense. Nothing is like the characters, it’s honestly the worst manga ending it spoiled the whole journey.
i can assure it is not that big a deal bro and actually makes sense if u do more than surface level reading.i can respect if you don't like the ending, but i definitely dont think it came out of left field. some reading in between the lines for sure but out of the most outrageous things to happen in manga it is the softest of 2s on a scale of 10 and just barely bc i feel like the only reason u feel that way is bc the main end couple was gay. of course what do i i know! u may have a different reason and whatever is valid but maybe try rereading a couple years removed from your initial read and you'll like/understand it more? i've found thats happened to me with a couple manga ive read, first read didt like the end, but after a re read a year into the future i found myself newly satisfied with the ending

sorry for being a little preachy and i genuinely dont mean to try to tell you how to feel but i know the feeling of feeling dissatisfied with a manga ending after a great buildup and maybe this can rectify! or maybe im being arrogant

ALSO two other mangas that fumbled the ending bag WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY more than this one: Yankee-kun to Megane-Chan and Eyeshield 21
these endings r so bad they haunt me to this day
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
I am glad I am not the only one disappointed by how this series ends. Before people call me
"homophobic", I wished Koi to Uso had the gay ending, not this. I think it's perfectly cool for homosexual characters to get together. However, they need to have it sets up like every other drama story, not like this. This is School Days' love triangle but done worse and out-of-place almost. The best friend in Koi to Uso feels much more conflicted and in pain than in this. It also sets up everything to be like that from the beginning with the best friend not showing support nor opposition. Meanwhile, the best friend in here is the literal best friend figure, a trusted partner and confider. It lacks that "sexual tension" edge to couples, if you know what I mean. That's why people usually don't have sexual intention with your best friend, because they are your homie. That's not to say the author can't do it, but in this particular case, they added in a shy girl and boy who overcomes their own weaknesses to get together. The second half is just about his best friend struggle and needing him, so bro broke up with his girlfriend as he has found his calling. There's such a thing as having secret feeling for best friend but nothing sexual that evolves into a couple... It doesn't make sense to set up the main character and his girlfriend then German Suplex the reader. I can't help but be reminded of Usagi Drop. They wrote 2 different stories almost, but then stitched them together clumsily and ruined their own first part.
Sep 2, 2024
I'm sorry but I just cannot accept this ending. It's beyond being "rushed" , this was a complete marathon
Everything else from beyond point is a spoiler so I will cencor it, but holy hell this was not good
Just be aware, I am kind of mad, so don't get triggered by my comments please.

It's not just black and white though. I think it was pretty apparent that Taichi and Kuze was not going to last long. Even though they "look cute" together, it was implied more than once that especially Kuze wanted to go for her own route and pursue the career / university she wanted to go. So I was not that surprised about them splitting apart.

But there are 2 points that are just outright unacceptable for me. The ending result was not the problem here, the problem was the buildup until that point. If there were some kind of development for these 2 points I will mention, then ending would be just a fine one. I don't know if mangaka had to finish it quickly because of some kind of issues in magazine (?) , I don't know. But!

1- Masumi's ending
So, what is she now? Gay? Or straight? Or bi? Or was she just fooling with us the whole story? Either way it was stupid.

2- You know what I'm talking about
I saw that people like to defend here that there was "some development" leading up to that final page. And no I would say absolutely not. I wonder what would those people think that are saying "there were hints" if the ending was a straight one with Taichi and Kuze getting together. Would they say "But Taichi was gay! Why this ending!" , they would not because he wasn't. Not completely rejecting Touma doesn't make Taichi gay. He showed an absolute zero interest in men, and yet, author had to do that gay ending.
A story doesn't have to be realistic, but it has to be believable. This one is not.
My theory is that, this was the ending author wanted to go with since the beginning, but maybe they had to finish it early due to "some issues" so it feels rushed (sorry, marathoned). I do hope that is the case because otherwise I have a tough time believing someone did this on purpose.

This thing left a terrible taste in my mouth, I had stayed up late until 3AM to read this. I've got to rethink my choices.
Read until last chapter, and forget about the rest of it, its just straight up going to be a better experience.
Aggregator gang
Jan 11, 2023
Words cannot describe how shitty this ending was. I feel like it was a waste of time reading this far. The manga was good, but the author decided to throw it all away and say "oh fuck it, I don't fell like drawing anymore" right at the end. Totally nonsensical. I'm going to pretend the manga ended with the beach scene.
Last edited:
May 2, 2024
Completed spoilers.

Holy fuck they seriously buried their gays. The lesbian marries a dude and the gay couple can't even be shown on screen together in the finale. So ass. Also I get it's perhaps not the most realistic but like, these mfs know polyamory exists right? I fr thought that's where this was going when Kuze mentioned multiple times "valuing more than one person" like...?

This ending feels like it came straight outta 1996 but like, this isn't even an old series lmao. "It's just realistic bro." It's a tragedy is what it is, literally drops from a 9 to a 4 with the last couple chapters. The person above me said "it should have ended with the beach scene" and like yeah it really should have.

I think I'm going to go into professional day drinking.
Sep 2, 2019
seriously? after so many drama and development out there and we got this kind of ending? no wonder why most of ppl here dislike the ending that bad
Nov 4, 2024
I thought that I'd like this more than I actually did, while I quite liked the story also that it touched on LGBT issues the fact that I didn't like the three main characters ruined it for me. The irony was that I did like most of the secondary characters but they were never going to be focus of the story which made the whole thing kinda pointless :(

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