I love how you can easily separating characters in this story in good and bad ones!
@Aeriandra: when you were talking about "a twisted possessive sort of liking THIS GIRL has" I though you're talking about the princess herself, lol.
"In her desperation, she's clinging to him as the one good thing she's come across in her life". This line applies to princess too. But she is the FL and she's expected to have more sympathy from readers, so...
I don't see true, selfless, love by anyone here (other than Jamalta maybe)...
Just desperation, sadness, loneliness, rage, madness, confusion, longing... But not love.
I sincerely can't blame (or condone) anyone here. I merely am here to see where all this will lead us.
This is not a love story to me but a tragedy, indeed. Beautiful story but tragedy...