Bocchi the Rock! Gaiden: Hiroi Kikuri no Fukazake Nikki - Ch. 15 - Chapter 15

Dex-chan lover
Dec 30, 2019
Ok so I'm starting to wonder if this will start to seriously address her addiction and autodestructive behaviour or it'll just continue to be played for laughs. Thought the first few chapters showed a hint of seriousness in between the gags but lately it don't feel like it anymore
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2019
Ok so I'm starting to wonder if this will start to seriously address her addiction and autodestructive behaviour or it'll just continue to be played for laughs. Thought the first few chapters showed a hint of seriousness in between the gags but lately it don't feel like it anymore
Hiroi’s alcohol issues stem from her anxiety. Unless someone help her with her mental health issue, it’s unlikely to change. And any changes would probably show up first in the main series, not the spinoff because that’s a significant character & character relationship development.
Tbf, she has many good people supporting her and this overall environment does help her to succeed as a musician…. to some extent.


Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2018
I wonder if authors of official spin-offs have a set limit of how much they can incorporate the main cast in a chapter before it becomes a chapter of the main manga sometimes switching to the spin-off character rather than a chapter of the spin-off character.

What I am saying is, for her manga, Kikuri was barely in this chapter.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 20, 2024
when did the concert happen within the main manga’s timeline?

Thankfully the girls understand no matter how cool sick hack on stage, kikuri isn’t exactly the best example of how an adult should be.

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