I remine me when I was work and there person accuse me false accuse; lazy, bad at working, etc until all my friend and my co-wrok in the office turn at me. Later, my contract does not continue.
I find other company at same industry. However, the bad rumors and the false accuse , came faster the wind. I suffer alot, I cant think, my hand is shake soo much. I cried alot. and decide to quit the job. and the company that work were label as me cry baby before i left.
I take time to breath, was short (2year), my head still not complete recover. However, I need job for living. so, find DIFFENT industry company, I told everything i been through, I found a place that can belong.
MORAL : If anything happen to you like 'this'. Take moment of BREATH, and plan small step DO, and NOT DO. Cry if you need. And find That Place you belong, sometime it near or may be it far. Keep walking, or traveling (if you can).