Boku no Namae wa "Shounen A" - Vol. 3 Ch. 23

Group Leader
May 7, 2018
Nah mate he really does
He literally throw her whole family away for a girl
Their family lost their store and was shunned for a mere middle school crush
If everyone knew it was her from the start ,
because she was the victim and was underage shed deal with less then %1 he had to go through.
Also mc agrees with him about how it wasnt the right choice at this CH
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Oh for fuck's sake, these characters are so dumb.

The son has such an inconsistent series of motivations. It makes sense he wants to avenge his father, but he flips on a dime for a 2-year long revenge scheme because of the word a girl he knows is close to MC, so we didn't he assume she was lying to cover for his ass and this was some long-winded scheme of his to get back at him? Wouldn't it be more tragic and consistent if she told him the truth and yet he refused to believe it because of the scheme? Yet he somehow is convinced from one conversation his entire world view shifts.

Also, the argument he makes to demonize MC is full of fallacies, not only does use ad hoc logic to assume the PRETEEN MC would be at fault for the stress everyone ELSE did TO his family, which were not his fault. Also, given he's trying to date his sister whilst harassing his mother and operating a SNS that impersonates him, he's speaking completely as a hypocrite. Normally this wouldn't be an issue if the characters called him out, and the narrative painted this criticism as the desperate, insane logic of someone too emotionally driven but that he is correct.

Let's not forgot MC is portrayed as basically flawless, because he's just too selfless that it harms his social standing with his family.

Also, he forgets that even if he's 17, he can be charged as an adult, especially if it was premediated.

On a side note, how the fuck did no one notice the man holding a knife against a girl's throat in a busy train yard?
Jun 14, 2018
oh shit, now a psychopath is teaching other about how wrong they did in the past, lololol
Oct 21, 2019
@XieShu nah i agree with all of that mate, its just the adopted son is a psycho bitch. lol blaming everyone else and instead of bettering his life he plots revenge for that... something he cant control.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 2, 2018
Really wish authors would put the effort in to write characters that act like actual human beings instead of dumb cartoons that exist solely to create drama and drive the plot forward regardless of whether their actions make any sense.
Aug 15, 2020
pretty sure boy A gonna get blame here when the police arrive .... cause of his fvcking history again
Aug 28, 2020
Wait, so what was his motive? Did he envy the boy? Or was it revenge? I'm really confused at this point. The author doesn't even bother to write a good motive.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 16, 2018
This is such BS. If the guy cared so much about "family", then he'd realize that by stabbing this girl he's going to end up hurting her family. Those upstanding family members of our MC who he supposedly feels bad for, one of whom he's actively lying to and exploiting to get info on MC, they're going to be affected by this too. He doesn't at all care about the things he claims to care about, but nobody bothers to call him out on his sophistry and instead just goes into "You are right, I did mess up." mode.

Not to mention his whole reasoning for his 2-year plan doesn't make sense as he didn't know boy A threw everything away for 'his crush' until about an hour ago.

Who's about to further hurt people's families by their own actions here? Fuck this writing. "He has a point." my ass.

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