Bokura no Kiseki - Vol. 22 Ch. 94

Aggregator gang
Sep 28, 2018
> After all, everyone will be like that upon learning that I'm the prince.

Man... I feel bad for Zeze
Mar 10, 2019
I shipped Hiroki and Minami, not just because of Glen & Veronica but because Hiroki did like Minami too (but Haruko confessed first).
The recurring question throughout the series is whether or not characters feel or behave certain ways because of their past lives or because that is how they feel as their current selves...where the line is between the two....etc. Haruko and Minami were cute in the beginning but once we knew she was Rida, it seemed to change the dynamic of their relationship where she is acting once again like Rida: silently staying back, but always alert and protecting. I wasn't sure if Haruko liked Minami because she was confusing feelings from Rida for affection or not, but now that we know Rida also loved Veronica, it becomes even more interesting. Do Haruko and Hiroki like Minami regardless of their past lives? What about Minami as well?

I'm interested to see how it goes, but of course, I do think Haruko and Minami are endgame and that, at best, Hiroki and Minami will receive closure over Glen and Veronica together.... Even though I ship them, so this reality hurts. Y'ALL, I tried so hard to get on board Haruko and Minami but their relationship dynamic needs to start moving ahead with some character development because right now it is too much like knight and princess all over again
Jan 6, 2020
I wonder how will Lucas react to the mess that he created. I'm sure Nishina knows a lot about the forbidden magic. Do you think Minami's blood will be used again to activate the forbidden magic?
Double-page supporter
Jan 30, 2018
@Miyako19 lol Hiroki and Minami getting together is forced and shallow because "Veronica never gave any indication she loved Glen that way" but Takao and Minami "fit the theme of the manga" despite the fact that Veronica never loved Rida romantically and actually married someone else with no indication she was really bi? Especially when we were told Hiroki/Glen only realised they loved Veronica before they died and Veronica/Minami could conceivably have just never realised their own love (if they did love Glenn/Hiroki back).

Hell Hiroki and Minami both want to be equals with people instead of being put on a pedestal or protected like Moto and Haruko tend to do to them so I'd say the two of them getting together in the end is far more fitting with their characters and the story than if they don't

Get over yourself dude.

@nanaka nah I do too, Hiroki is just more interesting as a character IMO and Takao/Minami just seems to have come about due to her confessing first instead of due to any actually good reason. Don't let anyone bully you into not supporting Hiroki/Minami if you like it.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2019
Wow passive-aggressive much @1986ctcel? I know you’re defending your ship but there’s no need for that kind of attitude dude.
Anw, I’ve shipped Rida/Veronica since day 1 so I’m rooting for Haruko/Minami but damn, I feel really bad for Hiroki-Glen :(
Here’s to hoping for a happy end for all of them.
Also, seeing as how everyone loves Veronica, someone should add a Reverse Harem tag lol
Jan 6, 2020
Minami x Takao ship for life
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2020
Everyone keep debating who is the person Veronica likes but isn't Minami already explained before that Veronica didn't understand about love?

Minami and Takao already likes each other before they know who is who in past life. Maybe same with Hiroki, but when one person likes someone doesn't mean the other party need to replicate the feeling

Sorry for my grammar
Jun 24, 2019
In stressed situation you make bad choice, Eugene one sided love was too much for him to bear the jealousy in that situation and worse he had no where to go after this as a prince. So yeah he choose suicide >.>
Anyway, it's hard for me to not favor Glenn, he had such a character growth in the past and choose to cancel again his feelings in this present life. This must be so hard for him, I am surprised he isn't on med, yet. I can't wait to see Veronica discovering the truth, I want her to meet Glenn again!
Feb 19, 2018
Oh my god this chapter, where do I even begin

Tbh, I'm not that interested with who Minami ends up with. So, the drama that will most likely come from the Takao/Minami/Haruko triangle is pretty eh for me. BUT, I do love Takao and Haruko as characters by themselves and I am so much looking forward to how they'll handle the struggles that will come.

Takao, in particular, I have a very soft spot for even though she can be seen as a bit boring and stiff compared to Hiroki. Honestly, I just really like how she obviously feels jealousy yet tries to tamper it down. But always fails when it comes to Glen lol

The Hiroki-Zeze confrontation is just aaaaahggh I just, I just want them all to be friends again and live happily as normal high school students 😭 man, when my brain was like "Veronica's earrings.... Bloody earrings..... Blood.... Sacri-OH NOOOOO"

God, Hiroki looked furious but more likely furious at herself and the guilt that must be eating her for inadvertently causing them all to die???

BUT THEN ZEZE GOING EVERYONE WILL BE LIKE THAT UPON LEARNING I'M THE PRINCE and wishing he could've saved Veronica and Glen 😢😢 Zeze x happiness is the most important ship tbh
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
I'd just hate for the past to ruin a couple that formed, before they knew about it. Ideally they find a way to solve the riddles of the past and lay them to rest and live normal lives.
Mar 5, 2019
Just because Takao is not hyper active doens't make her a boring character. The way she was written allows her development to be natural and seep between the different mini arcs we've had. There are more than enough evidence that Takao is simply a considerate person who doesn't force her views on others. Even with Glen, she prioritised Minami/Veronica's safety above all else. So I have no idea why certain Hiroki fans are just attacking her out of nowhere.
Aug 28, 2019
Shipping war aside...
I just don't understand why would Veronica's ear be bleeding, hadn't she had her ears pierced since she was a child? Her ear wouldn't bleed just from taking off her earring. Perhaps she took it off forcefully in the heat of the moment, causing the injury? hm a bit farfetched, but I guess acceptable for the sake of the plot...

And man, my heart is wrenched for Zeze, he was the one who wanted nothing to do with these past memories, just to live his life peacefully, and he ended being the one carrying the worst guilt out all of them, having now to know that he was responsible for the death of all his (now)friends... and they may, if not despise him for it, at least distance themselves from him.

Now on the shipping war...
You can ship whoever you like, that's the fun of shipping. But I honestly believe that if you are really hoping for the story to turn MinamixHiroki, you're setting yourself for disappointment.
I myself will be very disappointed if it somewhat turn MinamixHiroki, not because I dislike the pairing or Hiroki herself, but because it doesn't make sense in the narrative.
Minami is all about living the present, letting go of the past, that he is Minami, not Veronica. He liked Takao before she remembered about Rida, she liked him back before too, and Veronica didn't have romantic feelings for Glen, so a pairing switch just because of the Glen factor isn't likely.
I get that narratively speaking Hiroki is a more interesting character, with all the Glen drama, and Takao really need to tone down her Rida side, but give her time. She's still adjusting and is insecure (she's 15 for god's sake, give her a break), so is understandable that she's falling back on Rida when she's unsure about herself and where she should stand amidst all of this.

Btw, anyone has any idea of how much time passed since chapter 1? With all the chapters and publication time it sure feels like a long time, but maybe it was like 2 months at best?
Group Leader
Mar 17, 2019
Well, royals took off their earring only when:
- journeying for a longer period of time
- when they wanted to go to town incognito
- as a children, until they got used to it.
So I guess Veronica hardly ever did that since childhood, and everything related her appearance was always done by maids... so in a spur of the moment, she just tore it off I guess. Ouch.
(I don't think Vince got all bleeding when he had to took off Eugene's earring when he cast it away lol)

There's day-by-day current timeline on BokuSeki fandom page. Just 28 days from the moment they saw Minami's notebook and 2 months since the beginning of school.
May 21, 2020
@vierseason same as long as zeze/eugene gets a happy ending im fine. As far as ships go takao is too adorable but idk if shes endgame although shes the most likely one.

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