I have read up to chapter 10.2 and honestly this series is just bland and kind of just sucks. The art is okay and the world build is good but that's it, there no goal or real reason we follow the MC. Yes there is a character that has a goal and agency but that's it. If you like edging for hours with no real pay off than yeah read this of not just pass on this one. There is so much fan service and nothing do with it that it feels like the author would sexual harass someone and say it was a joke, don't get me wrong like fan service as much as the next guy but when it's just the MC being a voyeur since he has no dick to do anything, it just feels boring.
Like yes we learn more about the world and it is really interesting and cool but, everytime it looks like this will cause some change to the MC he just goes back to edging and peeping on women.
Art 8/10
Story 2/10
World building 8/10
Characters 3/10
Total 21/40