I can't believe I have to say this, but you can choose to not engage with the things you don't like. If you hate this author, or this story, or both, because of XYZ, that is OK. Just don't come and attack others for disagreeing with you.
If you don't like it, you can choose to not read it, there's no need to go to war.
I wish i could just simply agree with you here
Even the guys defending the manga agree that ero guro is fucked
But i have a beef with a bigger picture here.
A lot of hentai are fucked, we are just numb to how used we are to them, EVEN if you dont consume them.
Yet, can you imagine the dudes that not only consume it, but like it? And want more of it all trought normal mangas outside of their doujins(you know those rats exist). Even if its fiction, thats fucked, and yet here it is, victim of rape and torture being drawn sexually, we dont think of the implication behind the all to familiar manga plot with its bit of echii that we are just all too used to.
This manga isnt even the only example ive came across, its just one of the milder ones, yes, MILDER ones, a manga were a victim of rape and torture being drawn sexually is a MILD example
Look, its a big discussion, but in short:
Manga made us used to fucked shit by long term exposure to the point were something went off the rails a while ago regarding pedophilia, rape, porn and all around morals
Yes, hypocrisy or not, western comic books do have their moments too, but you will agree with me that its in a different scale, and they arent the grand problem regarding that.