Bouryoku Tantei - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Detective from Hell

Fed-Kun's army
Mar 11, 2018
not bad this story and i think the teacher was a " watchdog" too hahah
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Ehhh... no real "hook" in my opinion, nothing that wants me to see what happens next. Art is fine, but not particularly eye catching. Characters are... on the bland/predictable side. But ehh, it's only chapter 1. The sky's the limit if you keep flying.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
Violence solves anything. True shonen manga. Also if it continues there could be a lot of fuel for thought regarding education policy, politics, police power ect. Unless there would appear evil organisation with every member comparable in strength with MC.
@Ribath It is usually called "pilot".
Active member
Sep 1, 2018
This wasn't a pilot, this manga is already complete. Well, I probably won't be following this because it's just edgy stuff with unlikeable characters.
Don't get me wrong, I love "delinquent" manga but this one just doesn't go that way. I mean old delinquent stuff like on Yu Yu Hakusho or Densetsu no kashira: Shou. Now that's a manga that looks interesting and deserved a translation.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
@Ribath I mean the format. It's identical to pilots to show the reader sample of a story, introduce the premise, the setting and the characters. I guess it really worked well if you desided alredy if you want to read it or not.
Also, is it really delinquent manga? I guess there are gangs and stuff, but for me it was always about atmosphere rather then brawls. This one is more of a quirky school fighting manga - you know, with quirks being ancient martial art descent, ninja clans or beating enemies with a ruler, or fighter girl fiancee - that kinda stuff. With quirk being detective leaning. And I am personally curious if author pulls off enough plots to sustain it, because using brute force to solve complicated stuff is pretty rare concept for detective stories.
Active member
Sep 1, 2018
@kwendy The way I said it really sounded confusing: I meant I like old delinquent stuff like what appears on Yu Yu Hakusho(basically just the very beginning), but it isn't its focus. Now an old styled delinquent manga with cool character designs would be Densetsu no kashira: Shou. Basically what I meant.
This series looks like the teacher will think things for the main character when it gets too hard to solve and then mc will brute force it. Sensei might also be hidden strong.
This isn't a delinquent manga but the protagonist basically acts like one since he loves violence and has free reign. At least like a protagonist delinquent would act like(kinda righteous).

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