It would be hard not to. But sadly, this is manga we are talking about. Meaning I have seen way more obvious confessions be misinterpreted just to postpone the romance sub-plot even more so they can further milk the series.
Now, I am not saying all MCs should wife their main harem/bitch right off of the bat, or no later than by ch.3. But you cant be so horny that you would do anything to get laid and are also scared of sex at the same time. Its like an actor doing all of their prep work perfectly, rehearsed their lines for days on end to the point they know it by heart in their sleep, are able to flawlessly act out their character, only to get to the opening night, and suddenly remember that they have crippling stage fright to the point that they bail out of the show at the first possible chance, only to regret their decision and repeat the cycle all over again for their next role without handling, and then conveniently forgetting about their stage fright.