I'm sure I've said it before ... but I REALLY dislike this FMC. The guy that is actually honest and caring you treat like a criminal and the criminal you give ALL the leeway. Well, It's not THAt far off from real life since women tend to treat assholes nicely. Moral of the story ... BE THE ASSHOLE.
But at the same time, I feel like this ass-hat is in for a world of pain. Either she gives him the regular treatment she gives Suzuki (this is very unlikely given his experience) or he actually tries to 'rape' her when she resists. There is no REALISTIC way that Suzuki can get into that room and if the author does that it would be the MOST CRINGEWORTHY TROPEY thing he could do. I have a feeling that's JUST where this is going ... *preparing facepalm and finger hovering over the drop button*
Also ... who the hell gives themselves diarrhea to trick a girl into a love hotel ... THIS GUY! Top-level tactics there ... I mean he has SOOOO much game ... player.