To be honest, I don't see why any of this matters. It's supposedly a plot Zess cooked up for some purpose, but why on Earth does Krishna play along? It doesn't matter at all. Assam is fully under Athens' rule, basically a province with no foreign policy of their own. Krishna has zero capability to liberate them even if they wanted to. In fact, why wouldn't they since it would add a buffer between them and Athens. But if they could do that, they could win the war against Athens anyway since that's what it takes to liberate Assam. The princess is just a woman with no real power. She might be a symbol, but if she can't offer anything concrete to Krishna, she's just a beggar, regardless of being the true or false princess. I don't know what Zess is planning, but I indeed fail to see why Krishna is falling for all this stuff. They are stepping out of their known, defensive positions to play along with a powerless princes. For what gain? No wonder King Hodr feels like he's doing a big mistake.