Break Blade - Vol. 18 Ch. 98 - All-Out Attack

Dex-chan lover
Dec 23, 2018
@Doomroar like how you can't even defend your baseless opinion cause you can't remember how the story connected because of the hiatus?
Feb 13, 2019
@Skeith9 I dunno that leg doesn't look like it's splayed outward from the knee. The body lines of the golem are pretty consistent.

But when it comes to the walkway and the scaffolding holding it up, it doesn't make sense.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@kiero13 the critique is that the story is not good enough currently for people to bother and go read the story again, and it is a common complain

If we compare it to lets say Front Mission - Dog Life & Dog Style, another military robots manga with years, and years, and years of a lack of updates, that finally gets picked up, but when it gets an update again it delivers everything on every aspect.

Same with Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt, it has been 4 years since the last updates, but once it gets one you just know you will want to reread the series because shit was going down.

But with this one? what do we come back to? the most lazy written motivations you can find, you have the evil twin trope, the mad monarch trope, the daddy issues trope, and the hero refuses to kill trope all at the same fucking time.

So you either read it just because it popped up, or put it on hold until it gets better or finishes, but as it is now, rereading it has no merit when you know that this kind of story is what awaits you in the future, this thing started with a bunch of tropes, and instead of refining them or turning them on its head, it added more. Hell i could bet money that the only people that remember this are the ones that watched the anime when it aired, and no one talks about that anime.
Apr 25, 2020
@Doomroar Do you not read books? Books aren't weekly and you need a memory span longer than a gold fish to read the second one in the series. I'm actually not sure how you even read weeklies for that matter. Do you remember anything previous the current arc for long runners?

@weyr Nothing looks wrong to me. Your lines assume a perpendicular wall, when the pov is at an elevated angle. Del is sitting tilted with his leg splayed out from the hip. at a slight angle. With the left leg tilted inwards. Honestly I don't know why the engineers prop Del up like that, he could fall off balance.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Skeith9 You think i have a bad memory because i gave examples to better Military Robot series with a hiatus that merit a reread in order to refresh fine details about them?

How did you construct such a movie on your head from that? while ignoring how old this series is, and how irregular its releases are while the plot failed to leave an impression on most of its readers (this btw is the main critique)? Readers that are not coming back to it, half the comments in this chapter are of people complaining about the chapter. While the link i gave it are about people expressing how they themselves forgot about this manga.

This is not about memory, I remember all of Berserk, all of HxH, all of Usogui, all of Kingdom, all of Demna the Quanx, all of OP, those are long running series both in quantity of chapters and publishing time, this things doesn't even has 100 chapter translated and has been going for more than a decade, i just never cared to put the effort for Break Blade, because again, this manga started with a bunch of tropes and then decided to add more instead of polishing the ones it shackled itself with (something that i mentioned on my previous comment, and you didn't pay attention to, but it is fine, i can say it again, the thing is the manga is not good enough).

I will make things clear for you.

The problem with this series is not about being able to remember its details, it is about being able to remember that the manga exist, is a problem about engagement, if you don't feel invested in the series you wont pay attention to it and you wont register its events, and as a result you wont remember its details, similarly you wont remember the series itself, one day you will be browsing r/manga and by coincidence find out that people picked this thing up, give it a read and put it away for later and forget it again saying that "i will read it once it ends" or "i know i will forget about it if start now and i don't feel like rereading", because the incentive to give time to it is not there.

When kiero13 told me to just drop the series if i don't like it, he was right, for me this series has not improved, and that's what most people did and probably will do, those guys that said that will read it later wont do it, they wont remember and by the moment they do and the series is over it will be a hassle to do, however i have the free time, the series is there to be read, and even if i don't love it, i don't hate it, so if it ever gets better i will get some enjoyment out of it, probably even put in the effort and give it a reread.

But until that happens, you are stuck with evil twins, crazy monarchs, and a comment section of people that complain about the story and the art as the main drivers for the chapter discussion, and there's nothing you can do to stop it other than hope, that one day something improves with this manga and all of us "haters" will be forced to shut up and recognize that we were unfair to this thing, and that we should have given this another chance, read it properly on the second time, instead of complaining and assuming that it would be a waste of time and a chore just because the current arc was boring.

That day is not today tho, but maybe one day it comes, i mean that's why i am reading it, even if i still can't bother with it.
Feb 13, 2019
Let's get the minor details out of the way:
That golem isn't Del, it's Lexus (or Lacras, accdg to VisTrans). It's the same model Zess used (and lost) in the fight at the Assam Military Academy (Ch 64). It is a new Athens-made model given to the Athens-backed Prederica (Ch 60). Its design reminds me of the Artemis.

Now on the main stuff:
I don't now if it's intentional but it feels like you're gaslighting me because some of the things you're saying are different from what is shown on the page. In particular, you said:
Del is sitting tilted with his leg splayed out from the hip. at a slight angle. With the left leg tilted inwards.
I've established above that the golem is the Lexus but it's also quite apparent that it is not sitting nor is it tilted backwards/forwards. It is kneeling down (on its right knee) with its back perfectly straight. Now maybe we are using words like "sitting" and "tilted" differently, I don't know.

Your lines assume a perpendicular wall, when the pov is at an elevated angle.
My lines don't care about the wall. The lines on the first pic are indicating how the golem's limbs are positioned in relation to its body and are not drawn with the wall in mind at all. You'll also notice that the lines I drew on the golem are angled (see red lines going to the front of the golem and blue lines going to the side of the golem) as they already take into account the elevated POV. The wall behind it could be all curvy and irregular but that won't affect how the golems limbs are positioned or how those lines are drawn.

And as these lines show, the legs are not splayed outward from the hips at all. The right thigh is going straight down from the hip and the left thigh is perpendicular to the torso, parallel to the ground.

It seems like there the mangaka drew the kneeling golem first before drawing the rest of the components of the show (background, walkway, people) but didn't want to bother redrawing the golem to make that walkway fit in the same 3-D space as the golem. There isn't much space between the right arm and the right hip for a walkway but they had to have it in the shot.

Finally, I agree with the bad decision of having the golem kneel down as it is quite easy to topple over to the left. That said, this model of an Artemis has no trouble holding the same pose as long as nothing disturbs it.
Feb 13, 2019
I personally like it for the lore and setting. I like the world they created. I like how despite having quartz magic, the series still feels like it's firmly in the real robot genre. Robots made entirely of quartz (basically a crystalline rock) is weird though.

I get you though, the series hasn't differentiated itself much (aside from the setting) and the developments are so slow that, coupled with slow releases and few interested scanlators, it makes the series forgettable to most readers.
Jun 30, 2020

I couldn't agree more, for me i don't think that i would drop this series since i don't know much about other mech manga's aside from gundam and a few others. but this show had something different at first, everyone was able to use magic with quartz and they could do a lot of stuff with it of course the author didn't give more information about the type of magic they use but still moving golems with magic wasn't something new but the way the story shows it, it's like a Sci-fi kind of thing so i liked it, and also the MC's devlopment was interesting as how far he got from his ideals of hating violence.
well, but tbh the story hasn't got me much engaged as it did at the begening and at the pace the story is going i feel like this arc will take a year until it ends. for me i think this manga still has pottential and i hope that it will get better in the next chapters.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 2, 2018
Yeah, I don't think it qualifies as ntr when they never even confessed to each other and he left her behind to go farm fucking turnips.

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