I don't think I've ever wanted to see a kid get her ass kicked as much as in this chapter with the bully.
well I can think of one other manga, but thankfully God Tier Oni chan was there to help in some way.
I don't believe small girls like that can be like that, i would kinda understand if they were middle schoolers or so. The parent reaction was kinda unreal too, unless its a rly extreme situation.
@Hejti Then you haven't been to my school. This chapter hit so hard that I almost punched my screen. Back in elementary, I got fucking bullied for a whole year because a punk who was jealous that I stole 1st place on some stupid test from him framed me by spreading rumors that I did something(I don't even know what the fuck it was about since the subject of the rumor of what I did kept changing. Go figure). Parents and teachers involved didn't do jack shit because it was apparently "just kids being kids".
If you can't believe that kids aren't capable of pulling sick shit like that, then you're lucky, you didn't get to see the ugly side of humanity as a tiny seed.
@ebey2248 You'd be surprised that it happens. Hating on someone(especially with the case of kids) doesn't need to make sense. Some kids just like dunking on others just to make themselves look tough that sends the message that they're on top. If you want an example of how shallow it can get, you can refer to the previous response I sent someone regarding a similar situation I had with this chapter.
@Tatsumaikyoku maybe im lucky because back in the day i was attending to a school in a small town also i think kids these days are way worse because of the internet.