Brother for Rent - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

Active member
Jun 5, 2018
such bullshit. it this had an ounce of realism he would be kicking her ass, saying their parents found her at the trash, and stealing her stuff before their parents died.
Feb 3, 2019
Or still treating her nice after. At least give some transition to it. I mean parents died, he goes from loving to abusive and withdrawn immediately. Way too unbelievable. I mean were his parents paying him to be nice to his sister before? Was he the rental brother before the parents died and stopped paying?
Feb 3, 2019
Hey you're a young good looking (I presume) stranger, I'm going to completely trust you with my care. Also I walk around with lots of cash on me but I trust you won't steal it because of your looks.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2019
Just turn the electricity off and stop giving him food, he'd move eventually. Or die, that could happen.
Sep 13, 2018
@truepurple @blueoddog I don't think it's sudden. It makes sense to me :eek:. I think the change is drastic, but his actions are very real and believable.

You can see he just snapped when Kanami said 'I'm trying really hard, let's get through this together'. Like, the first half of the chapter is basically giving us the brother's POV. You can see he is not willing to accept the backstabbing and selfish 'charity' of his relatives: he's probably the one who had to make all the funeral arrangements, been dealing with phone-calls about the death, writing letters, etc.

You can almost just... see his thought bubble on the page when Kanami says 'I'm trying really hard': 'you're trying really hard? what have you done, you haven't had to do ANYTHING while i've had to grow up and deal with the real world and the lawyers and our shitty relatives. you want to get through this together? i've been dealing with all of this ALONE while you just sit on the floor and cry'.

(reality check: she's a kid she shouldn't have to bear any of that responsibility. but like. the big brother is a kid too, you can see from the school uniform he's still in high school. /he/ shouldn't be bearing this responsibility and burden either. like, there's blame to be dealt here, but the big brother is dealing it onto the wrong person Big Time.)

And.,. yeah. Sometimes when you cross that line, it's so much easier staying across it and never going back. Never apologizing. Not all of us respond to tragedy and trauma in healthy or kind ways. It doesn't excuse any awful actions we commit, and it definitely doesn't excuse us from taking responsibility for those actions, but... I think it's very real and relatable.
Active member
Jun 5, 2018
@PaperKnights it was just a joke about how older siblings really are like hahahaha mine used to dunk me into sofas and beds (with a high miss chance) from across the room and make me ''play slave'' with him.

But since we are on the subject, I do think the change could have been better executed tho. I'll ramble.

Although your point is valid, I feel like you conveyed the message far better than the author. The start was solid, but as it went on it felt like a rushed explanation and the fact you had to write so much shows how much rationalization you had to do. We feel no sympathy for him, nor we understand him very well, because it all happen in the span of a few pages.

It would have been cooler it they were longer flashbacks and more dissolved trough the story. Like, one showing how thing were before and the juxtaposition with how he is now, in another chapter the funeral, the connection they had with their parents, in yet another one he hitting her for the first time, and we could see the entire process; him spiraling to where he is now, and maybe enter his psyche and the agony he was going through until he snapped. The panel work was kinda meh as well.

That way the points you made could have been far better explored in the story itself. It felt lacking and simplist. I don't know if they did that eventually cuz this one is on hold for know, so who knows. Very cool username btw.
Sep 13, 2018

WHEEZE my (half) siblings were already adults when i was born, so i was defs more like an only child 😥 at least i got a lot more attention hehe

😔 and yes, a mood. i just finished reading up to the latest chapter. feels like the author is indeed bringing up a lot of real struggles and traumas, but how she deals with the whole thing is kind of like poking a guy and realizing they're a blow-up doll that's rapidly deflating on touch and oh-no-i-just-ruined-it. there's barely any skeleton or flesh to the subject matter.

i can read the intent but it rings szo hhollow 😭

it's kind of awkward, but it actually makes the person i empathize with most the big brother. he's the least fleshed out and explained, which means i can do the most filling-in-the-gaps, cos i guess my brain does it automatically. the more the manga delves into explaining kanami and makoto, the more obvious the writer's deficit becomes. ☹

i still love them though. ugh. BABIES
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2018
maybe, her brother is actually never liked her. . like maybe all this time he played with her he felt annoyed by her and the lost of his parent make him doesn't care about family anymore? I have seen my friends doesn't get along with their sibling but forced to get along with them anyway. And when he is outside the house, he aggresively avoid his siblings.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 25, 2020
"And when he is outside the house, he aggresively avoid his siblings"

Actually it's me. BUT, from the few panel of cheerful memories, those smiles were genuine, or at least I think so. If you dislike playing or conversing with your sibling, you won't actually behave like that. You'll do the bare minimum so you don't get scolded, but not like that.
Nov 10, 2020
Seriously what happened to her brother, he was unbelievably kind.
something i don’t get about this chapter, the rental brother is the one suggesting to be rental but he was surprised when the little girl said she will pay ?? like it was her own idea.
Active member
Jul 13, 2020
@meme1888 translation issue? I mean you can borrow something for free, maybe borrow and rent are basically the same thing in japanese
Active member
Sep 13, 2018
I really wish this manga hit harder but for such an abrupt change and for her classmates to be such shit kinda ruins the immersion.
Sep 12, 2020
What did he mean by rent then, if he wasn't going to take her money.

I'd wish they'd showed a more gradual decline of the brother, instead of an immediate shift.

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