Brutal: Satsujin Kansatsukan no Kokuhaku - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - Episode 7

May 27, 2020
Why not think about it as a mistreatment of people? Don't you just despise people who treat others as if they were garbage?
Mar 15, 2020
It wasn't mistreatment , it was creating sexual tension,also called the first steps to make a move on a woman.
Women biology tells her deep inside the need to feel protected, she needs a man who can question her, she is just testing the man, and for approaching a woman you need to create sexual tension, sexual tension can always be a bad luck like mr.incel example, but if you don't risk, you never taste, if you approach a women without sexual tension, even if you are later on in a relationship with her, she will never really find you passionate enough to stay with you during the long-term, that or maybe she will but it will be a relationship full of other lovers who can satisfy her.
The man wasn't doing anything bad, he was just trying to create the sexual tension between him and the coworker, that way he can make a move on her, his mistake was not realizing when to stop, all based on his ignorance about the intolerance of today society to confident but not perfect guys created with the #MeToo movement.
I despise people who treats other like garbage, but this situation really shouldn't be considered seriously.
Think, the guy was fired just because he tried to make a move on his female coworker, and we are talking about a guy who had experience in the enterprise, all this as how his ex boss was talking about him.
And he was fired thanks to a younger female coworker and her female ally, who considered his move to be harassment, not fair at all, plenty years of experience wasted for some words.

Why do I use either joke or sexual tension the same way, well this is because sexual tension starts with jokes and men and women pushing each other psychologically, it's like a psychological game who will determine if the relationship is born, and who will be the dominant figure of the relationship, normally women tend to prefer to be dominated as nature tells them, but and this is very important, some women and men like to play the reverse roles and be the woman the dominant figure while the men is the dominated one, this is not really common.
Not gonna lie I'm an expert in changing the mood of the people, so creating sexual tension really is no big deal, the real deals is thinking if it is worthy moving above the sexual tension (do you really consider this girl deserves you wasting your time) or just have the courage to go further without thinking of a #MeToo or a false rape report, this are the real deals.
Active member
Apr 22, 2019

"Oh the guy was flirting with me, but because he isn't +8/10 this "jokes comments" he made are highly unappropriated, because only +8/10 deserve my attention."
Buddy,it doesn't matter if a guy is 11/10, if it is unsolicited double entendres from anyone in the workplace- they deserve to be reported.

And why do you think someone getting sexually harassed at the workplace is a smaller issue than the supposed less than "8/10" not being able to flirt in the workplace- where he is supposed to be professional and NOT indulge in such proclivities? Also, he's less than an 8/10 because he's a scumbag and not because he's actually bad looking.

"you know what it isn't a crime, false rape reports."
Did we see a false rape report in this story? I think not.

All I can see is someone airing out their own irl insecurities on a manga chapter where they got triggered because it hit too close to home. Honestly if the protagonist was NOT a conventionally attractive man, but was still doing in shitty people- they'd have my full support. You are the one who is more fixated on the looks of the characters and "how the world is so unfair just because he made an inappropriate ,but what I think is a very 'smart', joke in the workplace". So subtle in fact that both girls in the scene got the insinuation and looked uncomfortable. Forget sexual harassment- how about basic manners- don't do things which makes your colleagues uncomfortable. You are more worried about the incel's chances of making passes at female colleagues than the fact that he is on the verge of causing bodily harm on a baby.

"They may think I'm an incel"
You said, it not me.
Mar 15, 2020
===> if it is unsolicited double entendres from anyone in the workplace- they deserve to be reported.
How was he supposed to know if it was unsolicited or not????Ridiculous
===>getting sexually harassed
Invalid point, now everything is "getting sexually harassed"
===>where he is supposed to be professional and NOT indulge in such proclivities?
The only true thing.
===>he's less than an 8/10 because he's a scumbag and not because he's actually bad looking
It is not what you say, it is how you say it.
I don't know he looks like a normal guy to me 6 or 7 out of 10, no symmetrical face, middle aged haircut, thin eyebrows, bags under the eyes,wrinkles,he just doesn't look like young female coworker or MC(they both look younger than villain).
===>Did we see a false rape report in this story? I think not.
I thought you were talking about real life, your comment seemed to be that way.
===>All I can see is someone airing out their own irl insecurities on a manga chapter where they got triggered
Ah we are playing the reverse card now..., my comment was meant to be to those who were already blaming villain and calling him incel, I thought maybe another point of view was necessary.
===>where they got triggered because it hit too close to home
Sure does, family , friends... suffering because of #MeToo and feminism sure does hit close and make you understand things.
===>You are the one who is more fixated on the looks of the characters
I mean, there are scientific studies that have already proven the benefits of being a handsome man or pretty woman, higher chances of job,higher salaries,better job position, more desired.
I think it is reasonable to think maybe looks of the characters can even affect how viewers see the character, maybe...hehe.
===>So subtle in fact that both girls in the scene got the insinuation and looked uncomfortable.
How was villain supposed to know they would looked uncomfortable???, he isn't Houdini.
===> don't do things which makes your colleagues uncomfortable
We know who and how somebody says things, then uncomfortable part you say will suddenly change into a comfortable and turning on thing to say.
===>You are more worried about the incel's chances of making passes at female colleagues
I'm not worried about that, I was just explaining that no sexual harassment was done in the chapter and why, have you read my comments???
===>he is on the verge of causing bodily harm on a baby
I might be the strange one, but when I read something I prefer to know the end of the story before saying hypothetical scenarios.
===>if the protagonist was NOT a conventionally attractive man, but was still doing in shitty people- they'd have my full support
Mine too, even if the protagonist was a conventionally attractive man but was still doing in shitty people- they'd still have my full support.
===>You said, it not me.
Yes, because I know how easily the not taboo supporters like to criticize and judge people commenting taboo things.
You still have plenty of things to answer about my comments, but I will leave here if you don't mind.
Apr 22, 2020
Option 3, please.

But anyway, hope Dan wouldn't react just because of this. I mean, the guy's an asshole and his comments are just plain stupid, ngl, but he's just like a cheap villain compared to the others shown in the series. Killing him like that would be kind of anticlimactic, I'd say.
Mar 15, 2020
Nothing wrong with my comments, shitty website and shitty moderators.
Active member
Dec 27, 2018
@cinic, the pub and tinder are better places for flirting, right? some girls want their workplace for works only, why don't we respect their wishes
Also, we acquire 100 enemies for every ten jokes we made, so isn't it better to cease doing it or keep our jokes from getting too personal?
though i agree with you that people tend to overeact to everything these days. They just don't know when to stop
Mar 15, 2020
===>the pub and tinder are better places for flirting, right?
Well, before they deleted my comment I said the workplace wasn't the best place for flirtings, thanks mods.
===>some girls want their workplace for works only
===>we acquire 100 enemies for every ten jokes we made
Only weak minded think about how many enemies they made, the strong minded don't care, everybody is going to have enemies one way or another.
===>so isn't it better to cease doing it
He only did it once, you are making him look like if he was some kind of criminal with precedents.
We are arguing because one person said a "joke", that some drama people consider it "sexual harassment of the highest degree" and he should be banned and killed because he "didn't respect the young lady".
Mods,why did you erase my profile picture, nothing wrong with my profile picture, it was just a model??????
Sep 11, 2020
I hope Dan caught the baby in the next chapter. He needs to go home so he needs to ride the same train i guess.
Feb 2, 2020
I'm pretty sure that baby dropped and injured its head because that man unlocked the strapper. Those woman didn't do anything to the guy and he thinks he's better than them. What a egotistical maniac, probably will receive what he deserved.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 19, 2018
@cinic Are you an incel or something or have you just never been socialized? The guy's words were obviously flirting - he could've gotten away with his first sentence but the 2nd one was overboard and it seems it has been a pattern of behavior with him and he's a genuine woman hater and it seems that you empathize with him a little bit too much. He didn't even fucking get written up, just some verbal warning and told to chill yet here you are spazzing out in multiple comments.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2019
@Petnavis Not to mention he is essentially calling the other woman ugly, despite that fact she just made tea for him. Idk how @cinic can't see how the dude is a complete cock monger.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2019
Well, shit. There certainly are a lot of randomly evil people in this series.
Mar 15, 2020
He hasn't killed anyone,he hasn't raped anyone his
has been unfair.
I'm dropping this manga,it used to be good,now it's just a sadistic sjw who is trying to please nice guys,empowered girls,any kind of thing with high percentage of estrogen.
The users here attack but they can't defend the counter attacks,they are some of them who are willing to debate,but the real thing is how many have the intelligence to understand,few,just very few of them,so I'm just wasting my time trying to teach people no more intelligent than monkeys,not anymore.
They are also big on the internet, but coward outside.
His comments were overboard: yes
Did he deserve death:no after knowing he didn't even seriously hurt anyone.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 19, 2018
@cinic MC likes babies. Guy unstrapped a baby from his hug carrier which caused him to falls to the floor where the mother took a serious blow to the head making her go seemingly unconscious after preventing the baby from falling 4 feet where it could've hit his head and died or otherwise suffer serious life altering injuries.

If I shoot you but you managed to avoid the bullet is it fine because you weren't seriously hurt? Fuck no. I'd be going to jail for attempted murder.

The fact that you're glossing over that the guy wanted a baby to fall 4 feet head first into the floor and instead perceive this to be some SJW feminist shit speaks volume about your character. You are not a well adjusted individual and you have some grudge against women and this is coming from a guy who hasn't dated in 14 years.
Mar 15, 2020
Lets clear things:
1.Villain was a bastard for hurting the baby:yes
2.Nobody gave a shit about baby in comment section,70% of comments were from crazy sjw and feminist trying to kill the guy,not because he hurt the baby but because he "offended" the ladies,don't get me wrong my comments were towards those,not howard the ones critizing the villain for hurting the baby.
3.You are not well adjusted: Married with 2 ladies,trying to find the 3 lady,thanks for the comment sir.
4.I have no grudge against them,in fact I love women who please me sexually and love how I'm and what I say.
Maybe the way I think is the solution to your problem,I think the well not adjusted person is much more common than you think,and even some womanizer will enter in this group,maybe you are the one who is wrong.
5.You say it,the ones who take care of crimes are lawyers,MC just killed a guy with little evidence,if he had killed the baby I would have understand it,but I think we are taking things too far extreme,and his death was one of the weakest one,tho he seemed like he wouldn't stop hurting babies.
Aggregator gang
Jan 24, 2018
Ah exactly what I thought happened in the comment section. Well this is just further proof such people aren't limited to fiction.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2019
@cinic Huh? The dude was a dick in this chapter, meaning he deserved to get checked by his boss. He didn't do anything to deserve his death in this chapter. I said the dude was a cock goblin because you were defending him without cause. Me calling him a cock goblin doesn't mean that I wanted him dead instantly. I think you are a cock goblin for defending this dude's actions when the consequence of his actions was getting lectured by his boss for 5 minutes or so. I thought his punishment in that regard was pretty fair.

The reason he was killed is that he tried to harm a child in front of the MC. I believe that attempted murder on an infant is a morally irreprehensible offense, and I wouldn't be sad to see the dude gone. And you were using result based logic to say that the dude didn't deserve death after attempted murder. "Oh because he didn't actually hurt the baby his crimes are forgiven, you are free to go good sir. The fact that he could have killed the baby and the fact that he did wound the mother are negligible." Like wtf dude. He's a POS. I don't care if he fucking dies. Its complete and utter apathy, he stops being a human when he commits said actions, so I can't feel any sense of empathy with him.

Also, you keep talking about people only commenting about the harassment of the 2 woman, rather than the attempted murder of the child. Has it occurred to you that the people making these comments did not read the next chapter yet??? How could they talk about something that they have no knowledge of?

A big thing I feel like you are forgetting that the MC isn't a fucking good guy. He is acting off of his own twisted sense of morality, doing "good deeds" so he can get into heaven. A properly upright person would call the police and report what he did so he could be charged with assault and attempted murder. Or considering that he is the fucking police, he could make the arrest on the spot. I don't think the MC is a fucking hero by any means, I think he is a sick fuck, but he is such an incredibly twisted individual that I find it fascinating. He isn't an SJW lol, he's a psychopath with a twisted understanding of morality and ethics. Idk why you keep thinking he's a good guy.

Also, your most recent comment responding to @Petnavis was kind of weird. In point 4, you say,
I have no grudge against them,in fact I love women who please me sexually and love how I'm and what I say.
Doesn't that just mean you view woman more or less as objects of your affection rather than human beings? Seems kinda like a weird relationship if you only love women that agree with or love everything that you say. I typically enjoy a relationship more when we have opposing view points that we can discuss rationally. Not trying to act like some kind of SJW here, but were you raised in a society where women are subordinate to men, or did you develop that mindset naturally? If your answer is either of those, I don't plan on continuing the discussion. We simply won't see eye to eye so we can just end things peacefully.
Mar 15, 2020
What is cock goblin?
Next chapter doesn't show us nothing new,the excuse of not knowing the next chapter is weak.
I say it, I was just trying to offer a different point of view to those who called him incel,I wasn't even speaking about the baby.
It's pretty hard,this guy has been more hated than rapists who appeared in the first chapters.
Hurting the kid was bad, but did he really intended to kill him?,either way he was a dickhead for hurting the baby.
I bring house and food to women, and so I expect something on exchange,this is the deal, my house ,my rules,and as a living member of my house,this rules are also applied outside the house,I wasn't raised like this,society make me like this I have never been happier as I am now.
0 regrets,if she wants opposite views she can always talk to the mirror,I have 0 patience for bullshit and drama problems.
Was it necessary for all those who commented call him incel???You could have call him babyhurter or just dick,but no,the soul of feminism showed up and they throw all the hate they have.
MC is just the embodiment of what sjw think they look like,they think they are sexless supermen,and the only true thing is that they are sexless.
If you don't respect don't expect being respected.
Incels are treated like mental illness and disgusting,but whores are empowered and treat like queens,why not think whoreism is also a mental illness and disgusting.
Thank you for the talk sir.

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